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Showing 440 talks

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Title Speaker Date

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-5

Serial: SR-00100 Fall, 1968 The talk examines key concepts from the "Lotus Sutra," emphasizing the view of the Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, and Nirmanakaya worlds as central to understanding life and reality in the Mahayana tradition. It highlights the...
Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Discrimination, Perfect Wisdom, Monks, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Balance,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 5

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-4

Serial: SR-00141 Fall 1968 Zen Mountain Center The talk examines the interpretation of the "Lotus Sutra" and its attribution to the historical Buddha. It discusses the development of Buddhist teachings, emphasizing that many sutras, including the "Lotus Sutra," were created...
Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Vow, Attachment, Intention, Dragons, Continuous Practice, Karma,...
Oct 1968

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-15

Serial: SR-00006 Fall, 1968Zen Mountain Center The talk delves into specific sections of the "Lotus Sutra," focusing on the narrative where Maitreya questions Manjushri about the miraculous events observed during Buddha's meditation, emphasizing the role of past Jinas and the...
Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Conversation, Meditation, Demons, American, First Principle,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 15

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-12

Serial: SR-00004 Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. 12Shunryu Suzuki Lecture October 1968 This talk discusses the structure and teachings of the Lotus Sutra, emphasizing its dual structure comprising the concepts of Shakumon (rightness of forms) and absolute existence as they relate to experiencing Buddha's life. It...
Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Suffering, Observe, Compassion, Intention, heart, Emptiness,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 12

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-9

Serial: SF-06041 Audio Problem Set has been replaced by original recording, with speed adjustments made.Newly processed version should be a little clearer to trancsribe This talk discusses the assembly and significance of various supernatural beings and deities mentioned in the "Lotus Sutra." It explores their roles, origins, and transitions from ancient deities to protectors within the Buddhist...
Lotus Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Demons
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 9

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-4

Serial: SF-05255 Fall 1968 Zen Mountain Center The talk focuses on interpreting the Lotus Sutra and its relevance to the understanding of Buddhism's evolving nature. It emphasizes the distinction between historical Buddha teachings and the teachings developed by Mahayana...
Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Passions, Attachment, Vow
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 4

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-14

Serial: SF-05683 Fall 1968 Zen Mountain Center The main focus of this talk is an exploration of the "Lotus Sutra," where the speaker delves into the intricate hierarchy of celestial beings, including bodhisattvas, gods, and other supernatural entities. The discussion includes...
Lotus Sutra, Demons, Silence, Evil
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 14

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-13

Serial: SR-00005 Fall 1968Zen Mountain Center This lecture focuses on the figures and concepts within the Lotus Sutra, illustrating the roles and relationships of various bodhisattvas and arhats. It details the presence and significance of Buddha's family members and...
Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Monks, Sutra, Dana, Silence, Lay, Transmission, Karma, Breath, heart...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 13

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05094 ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #23, by Shundo David Haye ===== This was the last of the three 5" reels that appeared to be from the summer of 1968, but there were no visual clues beyond the note "sounds like ZMC... The talk is a shosan ceremony, a formal question-and-answer session following a seven-day sesshin, where participants engage in a dialogue exploring Zen practice concepts. Central themes include the nature of self-realization,...
Shosan, true dharma, Separation, Faith, Emptiness, confusion, Dragons, Ego, Passions, training...
Sep 10 1968

The Ten Powers Of A Bodhisattva

Serial: SF-05106 Sunday Morning, August 25, 1968[This date is probably incorrect. Earlier (July 21, 1968), Suzuki mentioned that he had already explained the ten powers of a bodhisattva. So this lecture was probably given sometime earlier in July... The talk elaborates on the ten powers of a bodhisattva, emphasizing the integration of relative and absolute perspectives in practice. Key differences between the Rinzai and Soto schools of Zen are tackled, with Soto's emphasis...
Bodhisattva, Dogen, Rinzai, Soto Zen, Emptiness, Five Ranks, Attachment, Posture, Doubt,...
Aug 25 1968


Serial: 68-08-04 -
Aug 04 1968


Serial: SF-05081  ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #22, by Shundo David Haye =====  In this second tape made by Dan Gourley at Tassajara in the summer of 1968, Suzuki Roshi starts by answering a question about a scroll of Bodhidharma... The talk focuses on the significance of the "first principle" in Zen practice, elaborating on Bodhidharma's foundational contributions to Zen thought through historical anecdotes and philosophical teachings, including his...
Beginner’s Mind, First Principle, Time, First Principle, Bodhidharma, Faith, Beginners,...
Jul 29 1968

Bring Me The Rhinoceros Fan

Serial: SF-05086  ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #21, by Shundo David Haye =====  For whatever reason, there are few talks existing from the summer of 1968. At Tassajara, in the spring and the fall training periods, Suzuki Roshi... The talk highlights the challenge of distinguishing intellectual understanding from experiential insight, especially within Zen practice. It focuses on the necessity of balancing effort with non-attachment in practice,...
Koan, Faith, Freedom
Jul 28 1968

To Have Complete Understanding of Our School

Serial: SF-05144B SR024 Tass July 26/68 Roshi Sectarianism copied; July 21 Chino Sensei; July 24 Chino Sensei - also many handwritten notes on the content. Since there was no talk by Chino Sensei on this tape, this is dated July 27th as it seems... The talk delves into the development and understanding of Zen Buddhism, emphasizing the non-sectarian approach and the practice of "just sitting" or shikantaza. This approach to Zen prioritizes independent practice without...
Anger, Politics, Liberation, Posture, Bell, Priest, confusion, Hate, Freedom, Doubt...
Jul 27 1968

What is Soto and what is Rinzai?

Serial: SF-05144A SR024 Tass July 26/68 Roshi Sectarianism copied; July 21 Chino Sensei; July 24 Chino Sensei - also many handwritten notes on the contentNB: the date for the SR talk in the photographs is not the same as Chadwick. This talk takes... The talk discusses the distinctions between Soto and Rinzai sects of Zen Buddhism, emphasizing that Soto's understanding of practice is deeply rooted in the expression of inherent buddha-nature rather than seeking enlightenment...
Soto Zen, Rinzai, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Evil, Bowing, Mahayana, Gratitude, Ego, Bell,...
Jul 26 1968


Serial: 68-07-00 Wind Bell 68-03-04 and Shunryu Suzuki comments from visit of Soen Nakagawa, Hakuun Yasutani, and other teachers to Tassajara in July of 1968. -
Jul 1968

Observing the Precepts

Serial: SF-05397 This is the second talk that Suzuki Roshi gave at Esalen on consecutive nights in June 1968. The talk explores the practice of observing precepts in Zen Buddhism, emphasizing zazen as a transmission of Buddha's teaching beyond duality through posture and rituals. A key concept is the relationship between teacher and...
Precepts, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Posture, Karma, training, Composure, Ceremony...
Jun 29 1968

Esalen Institute: First of two lectures

Serial: SF-05870 This is the first of two talks given at Esalen. The talk delves into the interconnectedness of Zen Buddhism with broader Buddhist teachings, highlighting the concept of 'selflessness' and its importance in balancing the understanding of life. This teaching is framed within the...
Dogen, Time, Four Noble Truths, Lotus Sutra, New Year, Continuous Practice, Emptiness, Soto...
Jun 28 1968

Because I Was Not Well

Serial: SF-05143A SR023 Track 1 Suzuki Roshi's afternoon sesshin 4-23-68 copied [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator's comments] The talk examines the practice of Zen through the context of physical discomfort and its role in deepening one's understanding and acceptance of life’s challenges. It discusses the koan "Everyday Mind Is Zen" or "Everyday Mind Is...
Sesshin, Koan, Ordinary Mind, everyday mind, Faith, Composure, Doubt, Religion...
Apr 23 1968

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05143B SR023 Track 1 to 1/3 of other side Suzuki Roshi Question and Answer ceremony - copied 2 tapes [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator's comments] The talk centers on a Shosan Ceremony involving a series of exchanges about core Zen concepts, such as non-duality, non-attachment, and the nature of enlightenment. It emphasizes the significance of understanding "special" versus...
Sesshin, Shosan, Emptiness, Attachment, Hate, Faith, Interview, Enemies, Evil, Doubt...
Apr 23 1968

Shuso Ceremony

Serial: SF-05143C SR023 Last 2/3 side 2 Philip's discussion ceremony - copied 2 tapes [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator's comments] The talk centers on reflections and acknowledgments following a training period, emphasizing the growth and maturation of both individuals and the Tassajara community. The importance of staying connected to the evolving nature of...
Sesshin, Shuso Ceremony, Big Mind, Bell, Bodhidharma, Gratitude, Buddha Nature, Commitment,...
Apr 23 1968

Lotus Sūtra No. I-1

Serial: SR-00110 Lotus Sutra No. 1TassajaraFebruary 1968 The talk provides an introduction to the Lotus Sutra during a training period, with an emphasis on the figure of Maitreya addressing Manjusri, and the concept of Bodhisattvas striving for enlightenment according to their...
Lotus Sutra, Monks, Perfect Wisdom, Meditation, Wisdom, Precepts, Constancy, Demons, Bell,...
Feb 1968
Series 2, Talk 1

Lotus Sūtra No. I-5

Serial: SR-00105 February 1968Zen Mountain Center The talk at the Zen Mountain Center in February 1968 discusses the teachings of the Lotus Sūtra, focusing on the interaction between Manjusri and Maitreya, and their anticipation of the Buddha's teachings. It emphasizes the...
Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, reality, Monks, Truth, Interview, Balance,...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 5

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05985A Shosan Ceremony, Sesshin, Feb 1968Tassajara This ceremony is re-edited from the original cassette, with non-SR (Bishop Sumi) sections removed, and the speed adjusted for clarity. The last portion was previously thought to be from... This talk during the Shosan Ceremony at Tassajara in February 1968 focuses on the depth of Zen practice, touching upon questions about true path, appreciation of the moment, and integration of mind and body. Key responses...
Shosan, Sesshin, First Principle, Beginner’s Mind, First Principle, Lotus Sutra, Demons,...
Feb 1968

Lotus Sūtra No. I-2

Serial: SR-00111 February 1968Zen Mountain Center The talk focuses on interpretations of the Lotus Sūtra, specifically the miraculous events surrounding a ray of light emitted from Buddha's forehead and the significance of corporeal offerings such as food, monasteries, and...
Lotus Sutra, Building, Wisdom, Evil, Monks, Priest, Patience, Bodhidharma, Offering, Karma,...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 2

Lotus Sūtra No. I-3

Serial: SR-00117 February 1968Zen Mountain Center The talk examines a segment of the "Lotus Sūtra," focusing on a dialogue between Manjusri and Maitreya addressing the grand discourse and its deeper meanings. It discusses Manjusri's role in conveying the teaching of the law...
Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Dana, Perfect Wisdom, Intention, Monks, Sutra, Precepts, Patience, Death...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 3

Lotus Sūtra No. I-6

Serial: SR-00106 February 1968Zen Mountain Center The talk analyzes the eternal nature of Buddha's teachings as illustrated in the Lotus Sūtra, emphasizing the comprehensive and recursive expounding by Bodhisattva Varaprabha for countless kalpas. The discussion incorporates the...
Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, Truth, Karma, Monks, Sutra, Suffering, Death,...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 6

Lotus Sūtra No. I-4

Serial: SR-00113 February 1968Zen Mountain Center This talk delves into a historical and philosophical analysis of the "Lotus Sūtra," emphasizing the repeated teachings by various Tathagatas named Kandrasuryapradipa, prior to and including Buddha. The narrative explores the...
Lotus Sutra, Monks, sitting, Addiction, Demons, Silence, Dragons, Meditation, Evil, Sutra,...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 4

Four Wives

Serial: 68-01-18 -
Jan 18 1968
Los Altos

Samantabadra Buddha

Serial: SF-05138B SR022 - VII 1: Roshi talk - Meal Sutra (copied) - 2: " little bit 2: (ready to go at 000 after Jan 11 lecture) (copied) - ZMC - 1968 year? The talk focuses on the teachings of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva as outlined in the Kegon Sutra, emphasizing the concepts of interdependence, the nature of existence, and bodhisattva vows as methods for practice and realization....
Offering, Enemies, Bowing, Bell, Vow, Karma, Faith, Ceremony
Jan 12 1968

Meal Chant

Serial: SF-05138C SR022 - VII 1: Roshi talk - Meal Sutra (copied) - ZMC - 1968 year? This talk explicates the Meal Sutra, focusing on the recitation of the names of the Ten Buddhas during mealtime, which encapsulates the teachings of Buddha's various aspects: Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, and Nirmanakaya. The...
Aspects of Practice, Evil, Vow
Jan 11 1968

Become More Direct and Honest

Serial: SF-05276 Protection Master: re-recording from cassette marked "Suzuki Roshi talk with background music: no date, original copied" (Sony C60 side A); recorded: 7 1/2 ips, bias: normal, recorded 'left and right' tracks,... The talk discusses the importance of being direct and honest, suggesting that this approach addresses a fundamental human tendency to escape discomfort and suffering. Emphasizing that real happiness derives not from avoidance but...
Posture, Instruction, Religion

The Gift of Zazen

Serial: 67-12-14 -
Dec 14 1967
Los Altos

Shōsan Ceremony at Tassajara

Serial: SF-05139 The talk centers on the teachings of Zen Buddhism, emphasizing the importance of living in the present moment and understanding one's practice and self through daily activities. The discussant engages with students on a variety...
Shosan, Yaoshan, Teacher-and-Student, Daily Life, Observe, Ego, Delusion, Doubt, training...
Dec 07 1967

Everything Itself Is Buddha

Serial: SF-05140A SR20 - Reel #5 Suzuki track 1 - Roshi's lecture sesshin #7 12/6/67 Afternoon - copied (This audio is only the first part of the talk) This talk delves into the concept of "buddha-nature," emphasizing the non-dualistic understanding that "everything itself is Buddha," rather than seeing it as having a separate nature. The discussion references Dogen Zenji's...
Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature, Observe, Hate, Faith
Dec 06 1967

The Mind Which We Will Acquire

Serial: SF-05140B SR20 - Reel #5 Suzuki - other side - Roshi - another lecture 12/6/67? copied (The audio is the very end of 67-12-06-A only) The talk discusses the concept of "big mind" in Zen practice and its embodiment in daily life, particularly through the teachings of Dogen Zenji as found in "Tenzo Kyokun." This mind, characterized by its joyful, compassionate,...
Dec 06 1967

Good and Bad Feeling

Serial: SF-05141A Tuesday, December 5, 1967Afternoon Sesshin Lecture, Lecture ATassajara This talk explores the comparison between zazen practice and ordinary activities, emphasizing how focusing effort outwardly leads to attachment and fear due to the mind's crystallization. It contrasts this with zazen, where...
Sesshin, Attachment, Discrimination, Separation, Liberation, Freedom, Doubt, Faith...
Dec 05 1967

Nature of Our Practice

Serial: SF-05141B Tuesday, December 5, 1967, Lecture BEvening Sesshin LectureTassajara The lecture focuses on the nature of Zen practice, describing its challenge as akin to maintaining balance while standing on one's head. Emphasizing the teachings of Dogen Zenji, the discussion explores how true practice...
Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Daily Life, Observe, Freedom, training, Beginners,...
Dec 05 1967

The More We Study Our Way, The More Difficult It Is To Explain It

Serial: SF-05142 SR018 - Track 1 - Roshi's Lecture sesshin #4 12/4/67 Evening - copied The lecture addresses the complex interplay between practice and enlightenment in Zen philosophy, emphasizing Dogen Zenji's efforts to articulate the seamless integration of practice and reality, referred to as "inmo." The...
Sesshin, Dogen, Observe, Ceremony
Dec 04 1967

Think the Unthinkable

Serial: SF-05137B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #20, by Shundo David Haye =====  This talk comes from the middle of the second sesshin at Tassajara, in December 1967. Unlike the extreme heat of the summer sesshin, students would have... The talk focuses on Dogen's text "Fukanzazengi," particularly its exploration of zazen's value and function. Key discussions include the concept of the hara as an energy center integral to spiritual practice and the notion of "...
Sesshin, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, training, Sanctuary, Beginners, Duality, Separation, Evil...
Dec 04 1967

Inner Power of Practice

Serial: SF-05137A SR017 - Track 1 - slow - Roshi Lecture - 12/2/67 - afternoon - copied This lecture explores the inherent power of Zen practice, likening it to a bell that resonates according to situations without being a separate entity to acquire. It emphasizes the ability of a true practitioner to seamlessly...
Sesshin, Blue Cliff Record, Concentration, Precepts, Monastic Practice, New Year, Buddha...
Dec 02 1967

Putting Power In Your Hara

Serial: SF-05133A Afternoon Sesshin LectureFriday, December 1, 1967, Lecture AZen Mountain Center The talk emphasizes the importance of practicing zazen by focusing on the tanden or hara, illustrating that true Zen practice entails performing all actions without attachment or dualistic thinking. This approach aligns with...
Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, Big Mind, Separation, New Year, Discrimination,...
Dec 01 1967

True Practice

Serial: SF-05133B Evening Sesshin LectureFriday Evening, December 1, 1967, Lecture BZen Mountain Center The lecture primarily explores the essence of true Zen practice, emphasizing that all activities, including zazen, constitute true practice when the practitioner transcends dualistic thinking and gains an intrinsic understanding...
Sesshin, Zuigan, Fox, Gratitude, Fox, Buddha Nature, Addiction, Discrimination, Tassajara Zen...
Dec 01 1967

KPFA Radio Interview with Elsa Knight Thompson

Serial: SF-05115 Monday, November 6, 1967 KPFA RADIO INTERVIEW WITH ELSA KNIGHT THOMPSON[Originally misdated - Friday, February 18, 1966]Lecture BKPFA/KPFB Studio, Pacifica Radio, Berkeley, CA The discussion focuses on the establishment of the Zen Mountain Center at Tassajara Hot Springs, its origin, and the philosophies underlying Zen practice. The conversation explores how Zen practice differs from other spiritual or...
Interview, Don't Know Mind, Nirvana, Monastic Practice, Evil, Samsara, Practice Period,...
Nov 06 1967
KPFA Berkeley

No Dualism

Serial: 67-11-02 -
Baso, Heart Sutra,
Nov 02 1967
Los Altos

Negative and Positive

Serial: 67-09-27 -
Sep 27 1967
Los Altos

The Practice of Constancy

Serial: SF-05132A SR015 - On this tape is Lecture C and last part of Lecture D. This tape is known as the C lecture tape of as #2 - Track 1 Roshi's Lecture C 9/12/67 - copied The lecture addresses the practice of constancy and patience in Zen, emphasizing that the Bodhisattva path involves helping others before oneself and contrasts it with the Hinayana focus on personal attainment. The discussion...
Prajna Paramita, Bodhisattva, Precepts, Constancy, New Year, Mahayana, Enemies, Anger, Faith,...
Sep 12 1967


Serial: SF-05131A SR 014 - On this tape: lectures A and B and also first part of D. This is to be known as the A-B lecture tape or #1 ZMC (has been transcribed) Track 1 Roshi's lecture A 9/8/67 - copied The lecture discusses the concept of ignorance within both Zen Buddhism and general Buddhist teachings, with a focus on the Twelve Links of Dependent Origination as an explanation of the cycle of suffering initiated by ignorance...
Prajna Paramita, Attachment, Freedom, training, Daily Life, Diversity, confusion, Hate...
Sep 08 1967

Using Various Stones

Serial: SF-05131C SR 014 - On this tape: lectures A and B and also first part of D. This is to be known as the A-B lecture tape or #1 ZMC (has been transcribed) Track 1 Roshi's lecture A 9/8/67 - copied The talk examines the Zen practice of perceiving and accepting "things as they are," emphasizing this as the foundation of Zen Buddhism. Struggles in grasping one's own mind are acknowledged, emphasizing that understanding...
Sep 08 1967

Practice Zazen With Your Whole Mind And Body

Serial: SF-05131B This is lecture D from these notes on the reel boxes (05132-B was added to this)Several minutes of tape operator's notes at the end are included, the transcript was copied over from what was previously thought of as 66-08-15.... The talk explores the integral practice of zazen in Zen Buddhism, emphasizing the necessity of practicing with one's whole mind and body for genuine spiritual liberation that is both psychological and physiological. The...
Instruction, Zazen, Posture, Beginners, Funeral, Religion, Instruction, Emotions, Emptiness...
Sep 08 1967
