Suzuki Roshi Talks

Showing 620 talks

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Title Speaker

Talking To His Disciples About His Illness

Serial: SR-00186

Sunday, October 9, 1971
In His Room, City Center, San Francisco

Oct 09 1971
City Center

Wherever You Are, We Have Zen Way Of Practice

Dogen, Shobogenzo, Genjokoan, Suffering, Pain, Don't Know Mind, Happiness,...
Aug 21 1971
City Center

OLD - 1971.08.07-serial.00176

Serial: SR-00176

First words match 71-08-17

Breath, Death, Faith
Aug 17 1971

OLD - 1971.08.17-serial.00085

Serial: SR-00085

This is a continuation of 71-08-17, 00177

Death, Greed, Breath, Monks
Aug 17 1971

OLD - 1971.08.17-serial.00098

Serial: SR-00098

Duplicate of 00177

Big Mind, Breath, Buddha Nature, American
Aug 17 1971

OLD - 1971.08.17-serial.00099

Serial: SR-00099

The last part of 71-08-17, edited together with 00177 and 00085.

Breath, confusion
Aug 17 1971

Why We Must Have Rules

First Principle, Family Practice, Big Mind, Bell, Breath, lecture, Sutra, Observe...
Aug 17 1971

Wind Stops, But Still Flower Falls

Serial: SR-00163

This audio has been improved, so more of the students' questions may be discernible.

Faith, Freedom, reality, Dragons, Community, Emptiness, Wisdom, Building, American,...
Aug 15 1971

Speciality and Equality.

First Principle, Freedom, Death, Bell, Building, reality
Aug 13 1971

OLD - 1971.06.22-serial.00172

Serial: SR-00172

Matches the end of transcript from 71-08-12 at Tassajara.

Aug 12 1971

Obon Days

Ceremony, Offering, Suffering, American, Faith
Aug 12 1971

Questions and Answers

Question-and-Answer, Yaoshan, Truth, Community, Breath, Anger, Freedom, Faith...
Aug 08 1971

Zen Is Actually, In Short, Maybe, Communication

Breath, Interview, Bell, Community, Wisdom, American, Truth
Aug 07 1971

OLD - 1971.08.05-serial.00097

Serial: SR-00097

Second part of talk from this date.

Balance, American, Death, Faith, Truth
Aug 05 1971

OLD - 1971.08.05-serial.00169

Serial: SR-00169

Second part of talk from this date. Duplicate of 00097

Breath, Balance, War, American, Faith, Truth
Aug 05 1971

Good Confidence In Your Practice

Bodhidharma, First Principle, Bell, Wisdom, Breath, Building, American, Faith...
Aug 05 1971

On Bodhidharma's Day

Nirvana, Dragons, Breath, Ceremony, Enemies, Building, Faith
Aug 04 1971

OLD - 1971.08.04-serial.00120

Serial: SR-00120

Second part of talk from this date.

Breath, Faith, Discrimination, Culture, Monks, American, reality, Death, Truth...
Aug 04 1971

Because Of Our Many Desires, We Do Not Have Freedom

Suffering, Dana, Death, Lay, Offering, Bell, Freedom, Truth
Aug 03 1971

OLD - 1971.08.03-serial.00185

Serial: SR-00185

Second part of talk from this date.

Dragons, Breath, Freedom, Death
Aug 03 1971

OLD - 1971.08.01-serial.00187

Serial: SR-00187

Most likely second part of talk from this date.

reality, Faith
Aug 01 1971

Translation of Unknown Text

Serial: SR-00183

August 1971
San Francisco

Ceremony, Priest, Hate, Passions, Attachment, Forms
Aug 1971
City Center

At the Time of Yakusan

Serial: SF-06061

New version of this lecture has been uploaded, which may allow for more of the transcript to be done.

Yaoshan, Faith
Aug 01 1971

OLD - 1971.07.30-serial.00188

Serial: SR-00188

Second part of talk from this date.

Monastic Practice, Monks, Death, Truth
Jul 30 1971

To Attain The Perfection Of Human Practice

Ceremony, First Principle, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Building, Breath, Evil, Doubt,...
Jul 30 1971

Ryaku Fusatsu Lecture

Serial: SR-00182

The audio of this tape has been improved, so the missing parts of the transcript may be worked out now.

Ceremony, Eiheiji, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil, Bell, Balance, heart, Death, Truth...
Jul 29 1971

Blue Cliff Records 61 - Fuketsu's One Particle Of Dust

Blue Cliff Record, Breath, Constancy, Freedom, Faith, Diversity, Greed, Religion,...
Jul 26 1971

Universal Practice for Laymen and Monks

Serial: SR-00175

Whatever you do is practice; be careful not to practice for the sake of the self. Zazen as a way to find realization and get used to realization. Whether priest or layperson,...

Practice, Zazen, Bodhisattva, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Mind, Faith, Truth,...
Jul 25 1971

OLD - 1971.07.24-serial.00180

Serial: SR-00180

Second part of talk from this date.

Dragons, confusion, Death
Jul 24 1971

Virtue of Mountain and River

Dogen, Shobogenzo, First Principle, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Faith, Breath, sitting, Pain,...
Jul 24 1971

OLD - Real Precepts Are Beyond Words

Serial: SR-00206

Thursday, July 2, 1971
City Center
“Real Precepts Are Beyond Words”

Precepts, Gratitude, Pain, Faith, Truth, Hate, Precepts, Building, War
Jul 22 1971
City Center


Ceremony, First Principle, Faith, Non-duality, Diversity, Lay
Jul 22 1971

Something Which You Cannot Understand

sitting, reality, Buddha Nature, Truth, Happiness, Breath, lecture
Jul 21 1971

One with Everything

Serial: SR-00208

Zazen Talk
Tuesday Evening, July 20, 1971

Breath, reality, Faith, Truth
Jul 20 1971

OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Serial: SR-00209

Saturday Morning, July 17, 1971
San Francisco

Precepts, training
Jul 17 1971
end only
City Center

Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Precepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Religion, Observe, Priest,...
Jul 17 1971
City Center

OLD - 1971.07.17-serial.00179

Jul 17 1971

OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Precepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Religion, Truth, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Observe...
Jul 17 1971
City Center

OLD - 1971.07.06-serial.00214

Serial: SR-00214

This is the end of the transcript of 00215

Big Mind, Community, difficulty, Doubt, Evil, zen
Jul 06 1971

Manifested Three Treasures

Precepts, Precepts, Emptiness, Priest, Anger, American, Sangha, lecture, Enemies,...
Jul 06 1971
City Center

Real Precepts Are Beyond Words

Precepts, Precepts, reality, Observe, Freedom, sitting, Emptiness, Sangha, Duality,...
Jul 02 1971
City Center

OLD - Everyday Life

Serial: SF-00013B

00013A was recorded over a tape of Suzuki Roshi speaking, which was labeled as 00013B

Discrimination, Freedom, Ego, Enemies, Peace
Jun 22 1971
City Center

OLD - Purely Involved Helping Others

Serial: SF-05091A

Lecture June 1971 Part II - duplicate

Precepts, Freedom
Jun 22 1971
City Center

OLD - Purely Involved Helping Others

Serial: SF-05091B

Lecture June 1971 Part II - duplicate

Freedom, Discrimination
Jun 22 1971
City Center

OLD - Purely Involved Helping Others

Serial: SF-05077A

Suzuki Roshi Lecture Part 1

Discrimination, Doubt
Jun 22 1971
City Center

OLD - Purely Involved Helping Others

Serial: SF-05077C

Suzuki Roshi Lecture Part 1

Jun 22 1971
City Center

Purely Involved Helping Others

Nansen, things-as-it-is, Discrimination, Ummon, Bodhisattva Vow, Bodhisattva Vow,...
Jun 22 1971
City Center

Sewing Sesshin

Serial: SR-00122

Sunday, June 20, 1971
Sesshin Lecture No. ____
San Francisco

Sesshin, Okesa, Dogen, Attachment, New Year, Freedom, Bodhidharma, Lay, Concentration...
Jun 20 1971
City Center

OLD - 1971.06.20-serial.00152

Serial: SR-00152

Second part of talk from this date.

Jun 20 1971

Sewing and Wearing the Buddhist Robes and How It Relates to Our Practice

Serial: 71-06-19

Saturday, June 19, 1971

San Francisco Zendo

Dogen, Soto Zen,
Jun 19 1971
City Center
