American Talks

Showing 29 talks

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Wind Stops, But Still Flower Falls

Serial: SR-00163

This audio has been improved, so more of the students' questions may be discernible.

Ummon, Faith, Freedom, reality, Dragons, Community, Emptiness, Wisdom, Building,...
Aug 15 1971

Obon Days

Ceremony, Big Mind, Nishiari Bokusan, Offering, Suffering, American, Faith
Aug 12 1971

Zen Is Actually, In Short, Maybe, Communication

Teacher-and-Student, Question-and-Answer, Breath, Interview, Bell, Community, Wisdom...
Aug 07 1971

Good Confidence In Your Practice

Bodhidharma, First Principle, Bell, Wisdom, Breath, Building, American, Faith...
Aug 05 1971

Virtue of Mountain and River

Dogen, Shobogenzo, First Principle, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Faith, Breath, sitting, Pain,...
Jul 24 1971

Manifested Three Treasures

Precepts, Precepts, Emptiness, Priest, Anger, American, Sangha, lecture, Enemies,...
Jul 06 1971
City Center

Okesa Ceremony

Serial: SR-00146

Ceremony of the okesa: chanting the fascicle Shobogenzo Kesa Kudoku; ten virtues of the okesa. What is practice of zazen and practice of the okesa. Truth is beyond priest or...

Priest, Ceremony, Okesa, Zazen, Dragons, Priest, Greed, Demons, Gratitude, Happiness...
Jun 06 1971
City Center

Be Kind with Yourself

Serial: SR-00112

Warm-hearted practice. Breathing and posture in zazen. We all have different circumstances, but in the monastery, we have one practice. Rules give freedom to practice.

Dogen, Zazen, Tatsugami, Freedom, Instruction, Monks, Posture, Priest, American...
Feb 23 1971

Japan Now: Zazen As Our Foundation

Serial: SR-00072

Lecture after Trip to Japan:
Sunday, December 13, 1970

Transmission, Culture, sitting, Meditation, Ceremony, American
Dec 13 1970

When Someone Receives Transmission

Serial: SR-00071

Tuesday, August 25, 1970
San Francisco

Transmission, Priest, Buddha Nature, Culture, Forms, American, Death, Truth
Aug 25 1970
City Center

How To Understand Rituals And Precepts

Serial: SR-00063

Zazen, Rituals And Precepts Cannot Be Separated
Sunday Evening, July 26, 1970
San Francisco

Precepts, Precepts, Gratitude, Priest, Ceremony, American, Silence, Intention, Evil,...
Jul 26 1970
City Center

Japanese Way, American Way, Buddhist Way

Dogen, American, Freedom, Culture, Doubt, Interview, Demons, training, Building, Pain...
Jul 19 1970
City Center

Supported from Within

Serial: SR-00191

Ekō Lecture 4
The Second Morning Eko, Part 3 of 3
Sunday, July 12, 1970

[This is the fourth in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four...

Eko, Chanting, Priest, New Year, Wisdom, Suffering, Building, Observe, confusion,...
Jul 12 1970

Ekō Lecture 1

Serial: SR-00225

The First Morning Eko
Wednesday, July 8, 1970

[This is the first in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of...

Eko, Dogen, Manjushri, Transmission, Chanting, Monks, Wisdom, Precepts, American,...
Jul 08 1970

We Try To Control Or Restrict Our Activity

Serial: SR-00044

Tuesday Evening, May 5, 1970
City Center, San Francisco

Culture, Posture, Evil, difficulty, Attachment, zen, Pain, American, reality, Freedom...
May 05 1970
City Center

Sincere Practice and Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: SR-00043

Sesshin Lecture No. 3, Sunday, May 3, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, American, Transmission, stubbornness, Buddha Nature, Hate, realization,...
May 03 1970
City Center

The Zen of Going to the Rest Room

Ummon, Tangaryo, Culture, Monastic Practice, Suffering, American, Don't Know...
Mar 29 1970
City Center

Ordination Ceremony: Bill Kwong and Silas Hoadley

Ceremony, Priest, Ceremony, American
Jan 11 1970
City Center

Practice Should Not Be Perfect, So Descendants Have Something To Do

Serial: SR-00203

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 4
Tuesday, December 2, 1969

Sesshin, Dogen, Building, difficulty, Monastic Practice, Transmission, Zazen, Breath...
Dec 02 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Part III

Serial: SR-00194

Winter Sesshin, Day 3, Lecture No. 3
Monday, December 1, 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Bodhisattva Vow, Big Mind, difficulty, Vow, heart, Monks,...
Dec 01 1969

Pinch Hitter

Serial: SR-00268

Tuesday, November 25, 1969

Evening Lecture
City Center, San Francisco

[Katagiri spoke before Suzuki. SR portion starts at 42:52.

Wisdom, zen, Truth, Zazen, Priest, American, Delusion, Meditation, Greed, heart...
Nov 25 1969
City Center

Miss Ransom Was A Teacher Of Conversation

Serial: SR-00242

[Not an interview I think, but a question Peter asks at the beginning of the lecture, possibly pre-arranged with Suzuki. Got labeled as an interview because I had it grouped...

Japan, Komazawa University, Buddhism, Shobogenzo, Obon, Conversation, Building,...
Nov 09 1969

Pure Silk, Sharp Iron

Serial: SR-00246

Sitting cross-legged - and then what? Having the right state of mind. Chinese and Japanese culture. His absent-mindedness, impatience. Virtue of endurance.

Zazen, Dogen, Culture, Ego, Transmission, training, Patience, Forms, Pain, War,...
Sep 14 1969

Sesshin, Third Night Lecture

Serial: SR-00130

September, 1969

Sesshin, Emptiness, reality, Passions, Intuition, Bell, Forms, American, difficulty...
Sep 1969

Question and Answer

Question-and-Answer, Buddha Nature, Suffering, Separation, Pain, American, Anger,...
Aug 25 1969


Serial: SR-00027

Wednesday, July 9, 1969

Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, reality, Enemies, Truth, training, American, Duality,...
Jul 09 1969

It Is Rather Difficult For Us To Figure Out Why We Started To Practice Zazen

Serial: SR-00023

Tuesday, July 1, 1969

American, Freedom, Priest, zen, Offering, Religion, Culture, Ceremony, difficulty,...
Jul 01 1969

Suzuki's 65th Birthday

Serial: SR-00018

Sunday Morning, May 18, 1969
Sokoji, San Francisco

Priest, Building, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Beginners, Instruction, Anger,...
May 18 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-15

Serial: SR-00006

Fall, 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Conversation, Meditation, Demons, American, First...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 15