training Talks
Title | Speaker | |
OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept PreceptsSerial: SR-00209 Saturday Morning, July 17, 1971 Precepts, training |
Jul 17 1971 end only City Center |
Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept PreceptsPrecepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Religion, Observe, Priest,... |
Jul 17 1971 City Center |
OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept PreceptsPrecepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Religion, Truth, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Observe... |
Jul 17 1971 City Center |
OLD - To Be Honest And Sincere In Its True Sense It Is Necessary to Push Yourself Into Some Very Strong Hard RuleSerial: 70-08-16-B Sunday, August 16, 1970 [This is the second of two lectures with this date. This lecture began mid-way on Side A of the original tape after a prior... Bell, Anger, Community, training, Enemies |
Aug 16 1970 B City Center |
How To Understand Rituals And PreceptsSerial: SR-00063 Zazen, Rituals And Precepts Cannot Be Separated Precepts, Precepts, Gratitude, Priest, Ceremony, American, Silence, Intention, Evil,... |
Jul 26 1970 City Center |
Japanese Way, American Way, Buddhist WayDogen, American, Freedom, Culture, Doubt, Interview, Demons, training, Building, Pain... |
Jul 19 1970 City Center |
The Willow Tree Cannot Be BrokenSerial: SR-00220 SANDOKAI LECTURE X [This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai: Meian ono-ono aitaishite,... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, reality, War, Interdependence, Observe,... |
Jun 25 1970 Tassajara |
Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind TempleSerial: SF-05995 This is the bulk of the ceremony, with speakers other than Suzuki Roshi, in Japanese and English training, Gratitude, Zoom, Ceremony, Obstacles, Observe, Silence, Enemies, Evil,... |
Apr 25 1970 City Center |
How To Have Sincere PracticeSerial: SR-00145 Suzuki Roshi edited from longer recording. Building, Community, Meditation, Zendo, Obstacles, Interview, Silence, Breath,... |
Apr 25 1970 A City Center |
Letters From EmptinessSerial: SR-00156 How to Understand the Idea of Emptiness Emptiness, reality, Doubt, training, Enemies |
Mar 08 1970 City Center |
OLD - Practice To Be Like A StoneSerial: SR-00008 Saturday, February 28, 1970 Don't Know Mind, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Composure, training, sitting... |
Feb 28 1970 City Center |
Practice To Be Like A StoneSerial: SF-06125 SR-70-02-28 Sesshin lecture #6 (last lecture) - followed by service #2 for Trudy Dixon Don't Know Mind, Composure, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training... |
Feb 28 1970 City Center |
Non-Dualistic PracticeSerial: SR-00260 Sesshin Lecture No. 3: Sesshin, Big Mind, difficulty, zen, Duality, Karma, Anger, Mahayana, training,... |
Feb 25 1970 City Center |
Brown Rice is Just RightSerial: SR-00247 Morning Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Emptiness, Discrimination, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Suffering, Pain,... |
Feb 01 1970 A City Center |
Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 6Sesshin, Ceremony, Freedom, Observe, Wisdom, Oneness, Beginners, training, Precepts,... |
Dec 04 1969 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-1Serial: SR-00212 [Third Lotus Sutra Series]1 Introduction to third series of talks on the Lotus Sutra. Zen as practical... Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Dogen, Mahayana, Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Ego, Sutra, Priest,... |
Oct 20 1969 Series 3, Talk 1 Tassajara |
Why I Came to AmericaSerial: SR-00157 "Why I became a priest" Memories of his father as a temple priest. Wanting to be an unusual priest himself, to teach people. Training at a temple with Oka... Priest, Meiji, Japan, Dogen, Priest, training, New Year, Ceremony, Enemies, Monks,... |
Sep 16 1969 Sokoji |
On Zen Center History, Personal History, and Nona RansomSerial: SF-05610 Interview of Suzuki Roshi by Peter Schneider Interview, Transmission, Priest, Hate, Suzuki Roshi, training, Enemies, Passions,... |
Sep 16 1969 1 of 2 |
Pure Silk, Sharp IronSerial: SR-00246 Sitting cross-legged - and then what? Having the right state of mind. Chinese and Japanese culture. His absent-mindedness, impatience. Virtue of endurance. Zazen, Dogen, Culture, Ego, Transmission, training, Patience, Forms, Pain, War,... |
Sep 14 1969 |
Sesshin, Sixth Night LectureSerial: SR-00129 Tassajara Sesshin, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Ceremony, Addiction, Duality, Beginners,... |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
Our Practice And Our Everyday ActivitySerial: SF-05396 Saturday, August 30, 1969 Newly uploaded recording should be clearer to transcribe Concentration, Composure, Gratitude, Fundraising, Posture, training, Faith |
Aug 30 1969 Tassajara |
FORM AND EMPTINESS IISerial: SR-00027 Wednesday, July 9, 1969 Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, reality, Enemies, Truth, training, American, Duality,... |
Jul 09 1969 Tassajara |
OLD - Form and EmptinessSerial: SF-05108 51B Freedom, training |
Jul 09 1969 Tassajara |
OLD - Form and Emptiness IISerial: SF-05237B Protection master: ends of lectures which ran over 60 minutes: 2 - Form and Emptiness 7/5/69 about 15minutes - duplicate Freedom, training, Balance |
Jul 05 1969 Tassajara |
Practice Should Be The Practice Of “Right Now.”Serial: SR-00024 Thursday, July 3, 1969 Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, Faith, reality, training, Enemies, War, Death... |
Jul 03 1969 Tassajara |
Zen Is Not Something To Talk About, And Also It Is Something To Talk AboutSerial: SR-00015 Shunryu Suzuki (with Ryogen Yoshimura) Audio includes Yoshimura at beginning. Sesshin, Suffering, lecture, Monks, Don't Know Mind, Priest, Community, Posture... |
Apr 19 1969 |
Shikantaza, Tenryu's One FingerSerial: SR-00236 Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Gutei, Yaoshan, Community, Pain, sitting, Monks, Obstacles, Instruction,... |
Oct 12 1968 A Sokoji |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-8Serial: SR-00001 Fall 1968 Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Faith, Sutra, Priest, Suffering, Composure, Balance, Mahayana... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 8 Tassajara |
Shosan CeremonySerial: SF-05094 ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #23, by Shundo David Haye ===== This was the last of the three 5" reels that appeared to be from the summer of 1968, but there... Shosan, true dharma, Separation, Faith, Emptiness, confusion, Dragons, Ego, Passions... |
Sep 10 1968 Tassajara |
Observing the PreceptsSerial: SF-05397 This is the second talk that Suzuki Roshi gave at Esalen on consecutive nights in June 1968. Precepts, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Posture, Karma, training, Composure,... |
Jun 29 1968 Esalen |
Shosan CeremonySerial: SF-05985-A Shosan Ceremony, Sesshin, Feb 1968 This ceremony is re-edited from the original cassette, with non-SR (Bishop Sumi) sections removed, and the speed... Shosan, Sesshin, First Principle, Beginner’s Mind, First Principle, Lotus Sutra,... |
Feb 1968 Tassajara |
OLD - Fragment From A Shosan CeremonySerial: 68-02-00-G This fragment is from a shosan ceremony occurring at the end of a fall-winter practice ceremony. In that ceremony students ask the abbot questions and he’s referred to... training |
Feb 01 1968 Tassajara |
Shōsan Ceremony at TassajaraShosan, Yaoshan, Teacher-and-Student, Daily Life, Observe, Ego, Delusion, Doubt,... |
Dec 07 1967 Tassajara |
Nature of Our PracticeSerial: SF-05141-B Tuesday, December 5, 1967, Lecture B Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Daily Life, Observe, Freedom, training,... |
Dec 05 1967 B Tassajara |
Think the UnthinkableSerial: SF-05137B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #20, by Shundo David Haye ===== This talk comes from the middle of the second sesshin at Tassajara, in December... Sesshin, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, training, Sanctuary, Beginners, Duality,... |
Dec 04 1967 Afternoon Tassajara |
Putting Power In Your HaraSerial: SF-05133-A Afternoon Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Buddha Mind, Big Mind, Separation, New Year,... |
Dec 01 1967 A Tassajara |
KPFA Radio Interview with Elsa Knight ThompsonSerial: SF-05115 Monday, November 6, 1967 KPFA RADIO INTERVIEW WITH ELSA KNIGHT THOMPSON Interview, Don't Know Mind, Nirvana, Monastic Practice, Evil, Samsara, Practice... |
Nov 06 1967 KPFA Berkeley |
IgnoranceSerial: SF-05131-A SR 014 - On this tape: lectures A and B and also first part of D. This is to be known as the A-B lecture tape or #1 ZMC (has been transcribed) Track 1 Roshi's lecture A 9... Prajna Paramita, Attachment, Freedom, training, Daily Life, Diversity, confusion,... |
Sep 08 1967 Tassajara |
OLD - IgnoranceSerial: SF-05131A SR 014 - On this tape: lectures A and B and also first part of D. This is to be known as the A-B lecture tape or #1 ZMC (has been transcribed) Track 1 Roshi's lecture B -... Giving-and-Taking, Attachment, Freedom, training, Hindrances, Chanting, Evil,... |
Sep 08 1967 Tassajara |
OLD -IgnoranceSerial: SF-05370 SR-67-09-08 (-B-1 - is crossed out) - G (start) (finish) Freedom, training, Daily Life, Attachment, Fasting, Hate, Chanting, confusion, Faith... |
Sep 08 1967 Tassajara |
This Sesshin Was Wonderfully DoneSerial: SF-05100-C Saturday, April 22, 1967 Sesshin, Priest, Evil, Doubt, training |
Apr 22 1967 B Sokoji |
OLD - In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudō-yōjin-shūSerial: SR-00089 Reel was wrongly dated - transcript matches 66-12-17-A Discussion of fascicle Shobogeno Gakudo Yojinshu. Way-seeking mind and responding to encountering the... Sesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Sixth Patriarch, training, Birth-and-Death, Instruction,... |
Dec 17 1966 A Sokoji |
OLD - The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking MindSerial: SF-05838 This had been labeled as A - transript matches B. temporary audio from this date hidden - SDH Saturday, December 17, 1966 DECEMBER ONE-DAY SESSHIN LECTURE:... Sesshin, Dogen, training, New Year, Don't Know Mind, Buddha Nature, Practice... |
Dec 17 1966 B Sokoji |
The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking MindSerial: SF-05121B Original recording Sesshin, Dogen, training, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Instruction, Doubt |
Dec 17 1966 B Sokoji |
In the first instruction of ten instructions in Gakudō-yōjin-shūSesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Sixth Patriarch, Platform Sutra, training, Instruction,... |
Dec 17 1966 A Sokoji |
OLD - The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking MindSerial: 66-12-17-B Hidden as we had a reel that corresponded to this transcript - SDH Saturday, December 17, 1966 DECEMBER ONE-DAY SESSHIN LECTURE: Saturday Evening Sesshin, Dogen, training, Compassion, zen, Patience, Zazen, Instruction, Building,... |
Dec 17 1966 B Sokoji |
We Are Always Helping OthersSerial: SF-05080-B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #13, by Shundo David Haye ===== This tape is, happily, the last of the messed-up recordings from the first half of 1966. It is the... Shushogi, Enemies, training, Faith |
Jul 23 1966 B Sokoji |
To Study The SelfSesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Bell, training, Faith |
Feb 19 1966 pm Sokoji |
Tokusan and The Old LadySerial: SF-05114-C ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #10, by Shundo David Haye ===== This is another track from the same problematic reel as the previous two talks in this series.... Sesshin, Diamond Sutra, Balance, training, Religion |
Feb 19 1966 1:00pm Sokoji |
In the Prajnaparamita SutraSerial: SF-05113-B 5pm lecture begins this side Heart Sutra, Sengai, Dogen, Emptiness, Family Practice, Beginners, Transmission,... |
Jan 21 1966 5:00PM Sokoji |