Observe Talks

Showing 67 talks

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Title Speaker

Why We Must Have Rules

First Principle, Big Mind, Family Practice, Bell, Breath, lecture, Sutra, Observe...
Aug 17 1971

Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Precepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Religion, Observe, Priest,...
Jul 17 1971
City Center

OLD - Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept Precepts

Precepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Religion, Truth, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Observe...
Jul 17 1971
City Center

Manifested Three Treasures

Precepts, Precepts, Emptiness, Priest, Anger, American, Sangha, lecture, Enemies,...
Jul 06 1971
City Center

Real Precepts Are Beyond Words

Precepts, Precepts, reality, Observe, Freedom, sitting, Emptiness, Sangha, Duality,...
Jul 02 1971
City Center

Humor Is More Real Than Reallity

Serial: SR-00274

Sesshin Lecture No. 5
Tuesday, February 9, 1971
San Francisco

Sesshin, Discrimination, Dragons, Observe, Emotions, Instruction, confusion
Feb 09 1971
City Center

The Boss of Everything

Zazen, Big Mind, confusion, Precepts, Bodhidharma, Zazen, Suffering, Observe...
Jan 16 1971
City Center

OLD - The Boss of Everything

Serial: SF-06096

Jan 16 1971 one tape - original copied - missing

Big Mind, Bodhidharma, Precepts, confusion, Observe, Delusion
Jan 16 1971
City Center

What Is Self?

Ceremony, Observe, sitting
Jan 03 1971
City Center

Teisho (Introduced by Jakusho Kwong)

Serial: SF-05452-B

Mill Valley Zendo, talk by Suzuki Roshi

Emptiness, Precepts, Observe, Ego, Evil
Dec 23 1970
Mill Valley Zendo

OLD - Restore the Buddhist Teaching in its Original Way

Serial: SR-00070

Sunday Evening, August 16, 1970
San Francisco
Lecture A

[The first part of the lecture was not recorded.]

Faith, Breath, Enemies, American, Observe
Aug 16 1970
City Center

Zazen Practice and Listen to the Right Teacher

Serial: SF-05631

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #24, by Shundo David Haye =====

In the last years of Suzuki Roshi's life, very few talks were lost from the collections...

Sesshin, Dogen, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Observe, Precepts, Faith...
Aug 03 1970
City Center

Ekō Lecture 6

Serial: SR-00230

The Fourth Morning Eko
Wednesday, July 15, 1970

[This is the last in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of...

Eko, Chanting, Monks, Priest, Offering, Buddha Nature, Wisdom, Observe, Separation,...
Jul 15 1970

Supported from Within

Serial: SR-00191

Ekō Lecture 4
The Second Morning Eko, Part 3 of 3
Sunday, July 12, 1970

[This is the fourth in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four...

Eko, Chanting, Priest, New Year, Wisdom, Suffering, Building, Observe, confusion,...
Jul 12 1970

The Willow Tree Cannot Be Broken

Serial: SR-00220

Thursday, June 25, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:

Meian ono-ono aitaishite,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, reality, War, Interdependence, Observe,...
Jun 25 1970

Without Any Idea of Attainment

Serial: SR-00061

Sandokai Lecture VIII
Wednesday, June 17, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 21 Manako wa iro,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, reality, Oneness, Monks,...
Jun 17 1970

Buddha Is Always Here

Serial: SR-00051

Sandokai Lecture III
Monday, June 1, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 5 Reigen myoni kokettari...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Emptiness, Buddha Nature, Suffering, Truth, Compassion,...
Jun 01 1970


Serial: SR-00048

Sandokai Lecture I
Wednesday, May 27, 1970

[This is the first in a series of lectures on the Sandokai (Chin. Cantong qi or Tisan-tiung-chii), a...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Big Mind, Discrimination, Freedom, Oneness, Bell,...
May 27 1970

How To Observe Precepts

Serial: SR-00047

Sunday Morning, May 17, 1970
San Francisco

Precepts, Precepts, Chanting, Observe, Bodhidharma, Zazen, Mahayana, Posture,...
May 17 1970
City Center

Zen Center and City Practice

Serial: SR-00045

Sunday, May 10, 1970
City Center, San Francisco

Building, Intention, Meditation, War, Observe, Death, difficulty
May 10 1970
City Center

Ceremony Officially Opening Beginner's Mind Temple

Serial: SF-05995

This is the bulk of the ceremony, with speakers other than Suzuki Roshi, in Japanese and English

training, Gratitude, Zoom, Ceremony, Obstacles, Observe, Silence, Enemies, Evil,...
Apr 25 1970
City Center

The Zen of Going to the Rest Room

Ummon, Tangaryo, Culture, Monastic Practice, Suffering, American, Don't Know...
Mar 29 1970
City Center

Our Everyday Life Is Like A Movie

Anger, Instruction, Meditation, Posture, Observe, sitting
Mar 15 1970
City Center

The Background of Shikantaza

Pain, Observe, Consciousness, Posture, sitting
Feb 22 1970
City Center

“An Unsurpassed, Penetrating Buddha”

Emptiness, Subject-and-Object, Interdependence, Observe, Community, Hate, Forms,...
Feb 08 1970

Our Effort In Our Practice

Instruction, lecture, Observe, difficulty, sitting
Jan 31 1970
City Center

OLD - Ordination Ceremony: Bill Kwong and Silas Hoadley

Serial: SF-06095

Undated lecture (file 1/11/71) ordination?

Ceremony, Observe, Priest
Jan 11 1970
City Center

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05964

Friday, December 5, 1969

Previously described as intranscribable - now clearer

File name: 69-12-05N: untitled level low. [Verbatim transcript not...

Ceremony, Shosan, Sixth Patriarch, Big Mind, Letting Go, Separation, Attachment,...
Dec 05 1969

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 6

Sesshin, Ceremony, Freedom, Observe, Wisdom, Oneness, Beginners, training, Precepts,...
Dec 04 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-7

Serial: SR-00042

Third Lotus Sutra Series
Friday Evening, November 7, 1969
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, Emptiness, Passions, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Evil, Sutra, Mahayana,...
Nov 07 1969
Series 3, Talk 7

Some Questions

Question-and-Answer, Precepts, Doubt, Continuous Practice, Concentration, Birth-and-...
Aug 12 1969

Enjoy Your Life

Serial: SR-00031

Talk on the moon landing

heart, Observe
Jul 20 1969

Question And Answer Session

Serial: SR-00025

Tuesday, July 8, 1969
San Francisco

Question-and-Answer, Don't Know Mind, Anger, Greed, Emotions, Zazen, Culture,...
Jul 08 1969

Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen

Serial: SR-00033

July 1969
San Francisco


Dogen, Buddha Nature, Evil, Freedom, Priest, Ego, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jul 1969

How To Take Our Bodhisattva's Vow

Serial: SR-00017

Tuesday Morning, April 29, 1969
San Francisco

Bodhisattva Vow, Dogen, Agama Sutra, Precepts, Mahayana, Sutra, Observe, Freedom, Vow...
Apr 29 1969

OLD True Happiness and Renewal of Practice at Year's End

Serial: 68-12-21

This has been hidden as we had a misdated reel that corresponds to this transcript, and is longer - SDH

Happiness, Suffering, Composure, Observe, Chanting
Dec 21 1968

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-12

Serial: SR-00004

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. 12
Shunryu Suzuki Lecture

October 1968

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Suffering, Observe, Compassion, Intention, heart,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 12

Esalen Institute: First of two lectures

Serial: SF-05870

This is the first of two talks given at Esalen.

Dogen, Time, Four Noble Truths, Lotus Sutra, New Year, Continuous Practice, Emptiness...
Jun 28 1968

OLD - YYYY.MM.DD-serial.00252

Serial: SR-00252

Per photo, these may also be end sections of other talks.

Sangha, War, Observe, Freedom
Jan 01 1968

OLD - Become More Honest and Direct

Serial: 68-00-00-B

± 1968

Audio Problem Set
CM's 2nd pass - see JG's 1st pass: http://cuke.com/Cucumber%20Project/lectures/transcripts-new-2012/srl-68-00-00B-wip.html

Question-and-Answer, Suffering, sitting, Instruction, Posture, Hate, zen, Building,...
Jan 01 1968

Shōsan Ceremony at Tassajara

Shosan, Yaoshan, Teacher-and-Student, Daily Life, Observe, Ego, Delusion, Doubt,...
Dec 07 1967

Everything Itself Is Buddha

Serial: SF-05140A

SR20 - Reel #5 Suzuki track 1 - Roshi's lecture sesshin #7 12/6/67 Afternoon - copied

(This audio is only the first part of the talk)

Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature, Observe, Hate, Faith
Dec 06 1967

OLD - Everything Itself Is Buddha

Serial: 67-12-06-B

Evening Sesshin Lecture
Wednesday, December 6, 1967, Lecture B

Sesshin, Buddha Nature, American, Observe, Beginners, Hate, Forms, Building, Death,...
Dec 06 1967

Nature of Our Practice

Serial: SF-05141-B

Tuesday, December 5, 1967, Lecture B
Evening Sesshin Lecture

Sesshin, Dogen, Fukanzazengi, Dragons, Daily Life, Observe, Freedom, training,...
Dec 05 1967

The More We Study Our Way, The More Difficult It Is To Explain It

Serial: SF-05142

SR018 - Track 1 - Roshi's Lecture sesshin #4 12/4/67 Evening - copied

Sesshin, Dogen, Observe, Ceremony
Dec 04 1967

OLD - The More... We Study Our Way, The More Difficult It Is To Explain It

Serial: 67-12-04

Evening Sesshin Lecture, Lecture B
Monday, December 4, 1967

Sesshin, reality, Observe, Faith, Ceremony, lecture
Dec 04 1967

OLD - What Is Bodhisattva?

Serial: 67-09-12

Tuesday, September 12, 1967

Problem set
CM's 2nd pass -see JG's 1st pass: http://cuke.com/Cucumber%20Project/lectures/transcripts-new-2012/srl-67-09-12-wip.html...

Death, Constancy, American, Anger, Mahayana, Precepts, Observe
Sep 12 1967

OLD- Zen Is Also Buddhism

Serial: 67-09-00A

Hidden as we had a misdated reel which corresponds to this audio - SDH

± September, 1967

Zen Mountain Center

Compassion, War, sitting, Concentration, Religion, Meditation, Mahayana, Monks,...
Sep 01 1967

Zen Is Also Buddhism

Serial: SF-05130C

SR013 date? Fall 1967 Tassajara III - Side 1 + 1/2 side 2 Suzuki lecture copied

Mahayana, New Year, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Concentration, Balance, Freedom,...
Sep 1967

OLD - The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05838

This had been labeled as A - transript matches B. temporary audio from this date hidden - SDH

Saturday, December 17, 1966


Sesshin, Dogen, training, New Year, Don't Know Mind, Buddha Nature, Practice...
Dec 17 1966
