Interview Talks

Showing 19 talks

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Title Speaker

Zen Is Actually, In Short, Maybe, Communication

Teacher-and-Student, Question-and-Answer, Breath, Interview, Bell, Community, Wisdom...
Aug 07 1971

Priest Ordination Ceremony: Paul Discoe and Reb Anderson

Serial: SR-00069A

Reprocessed version may allow for clarification of transcript.

Priest, Ceremony, Precepts, Don't Know Mind, Delusion, Greed, Interview,...
Aug 09 1970
City Center

Japanese Way, American Way, Buddhist Way

Dogen, American, Freedom, Culture, Doubt, Interview, Demons, training, Building, Pain...
Jul 19 1970
City Center

How To Have Sincere Practice

Serial: SR-00145

Suzuki Roshi edited from longer recording.

Building, Community, Meditation, Zendo, Obstacles, Interview, Silence, Breath,...
Apr 25 1970
City Center

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-6

Serial: SF-06005

Third Lotus Sutra Series
Thursday Evening, October 30, 1969
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, Beginner’s Mind, Politics, Interview, Concentration, Precepts, Freedom,...
Oct 30 1969
Series 3, Talk 6

Interview of Suzuki by Peter Schneider

Serial: 69-09-16-IB

Entered onto disk by DC 1996 or so
Revised by Bill Redican 9/01

[I dated this 69-09-16 to go with other Peter Schneider interview and lecture of that date....

Interview, First Principle,
Sep 16 1969

On Zen Center History, Personal History, and Nona Ransom

Serial: SF-05610

Interview of Suzuki Roshi by Peter Schneider

Interview, Transmission, Priest, Hate, Suzuki Roshi, training, Enemies, Passions,...
Sep 16 1969
1 of 2

On Zen Center History, Personal History, and Nona Ransom

Serial: SF-05577

Interview of Suzuki Roshi by Peter Schneider

Interview, Priest, Greed, Separation, Balance, confusion
Sep 16 1969
2 of 2

I have nothing in my mind

Emptiness, Forms, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Passions, Interview, Beginners,...
Jul 15 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-11

Serial: SF-05251

October 1968
New version uploaded, should help with transcript

Lotus Sutra, Lay, Emptiness, Interview, Ceremony
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 11


Serial: SF-05081

 ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #22, by Shundo David Haye ===== 

In this second tape made by Dan Gourley at Tassajara in the summer of 1968,...

Beginner’s Mind, First Principle, Time, First Principle, Bodhidharma, Faith,...
Jul 29 1968

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SF-05143B

SR023 Track 1 to 1/3 of other side Suzuki Roshi Question and Answer ceremony - copied 2 tapes [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A...

Sesshin, Shosan, Emptiness, Attachment, Hate, Faith, Interview, Enemies, Evil, Doubt...
Apr 23 1968

Lotus Sūtra No. I-5

Serial: SR-00105

February 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, reality, Monks, Truth, Interview,...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 5

KPFA Radio Interview with Elsa Knight Thompson

Serial: SF-05115

Monday, November 6, 1967

[Originally misdated - Friday, February 18, 1966]
Lecture B
KPFA/KPFB Studio,...

Interview, Don't Know Mind, Nirvana, Monastic Practice, Evil, Samsara, Practice...
Nov 06 1967
KPFA Berkeley

Genjo Koan

Serial: SF-05134A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #14, by Shundo David Haye =====

The acquisition of Tassajara in 1967 was a huge leap for Zen Center. Suzuki Roshi had long been...

Genjokoan, Dogen, Sesshin, Emptiness, New Year, Interview, Freedom
Aug 20 1967

The Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05116C

March sesshin, only 1pm lecture. Evening lecture goofed up during recording.
SR 007

Dogen, Forgiveness, Addiction, Greed, Interview, Attachment, Conversation, Lay...
Mar 26 1966

Confucius Said the Most Visible is Something Invisible

Serial: SF-05125A

SR 002 Tape 1 copy Sesshin 1pm lecture

Sesshin, Faith, Interview, Observe, confusion, Hate, Peace
Aug 28 1965

Pure Rules

Serial: SF-05126A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #6, by Shundo David Haye =====

The value of these sets of recordings during sesshins in the summer of 1965 at Sokoji is that not...

Sesshin, Instruction, Emptiness, Interview, Religion, Faith
Jul 28 1965

In Our Way of Zen, We Emphasize the Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05101B

Tape 2 Summer Sesshin 1965 Tuesday July 27 - transcribed August 1965 Tape 2 Side 2 Tuesday July 27 6pm lecture Reverend Suzuki [Case replaced 12/95. Original notes were...

Sesshin, Bodhisattva, Way-Seeking Mind, Interview, training, Faith
Jul 27 1965