Death Talks
Title | Speaker | |
OLD - 1971.08.07-serial.00176Serial: SR-00176 First words match 71-08-17 Breath, Death, Faith |
Aug 17 1971 |
OLD - 1971.08.17-serial.00085Serial: SR-00085 This is a continuation of 71-08-17, 00177 Death, Greed, Breath, Monks |
Aug 17 1971 |
Wind Stops, But Still Flower FallsSerial: SR-00163 This audio has been improved, so more of the students' questions may be discernible. Ummon, Faith, Freedom, reality, Dragons, Community, Emptiness, Wisdom, Building,... |
Aug 15 1971 Tassajara |
Speciality and Equality.First Principle, Freedom, Baizhang, Death, Bell, Building, reality |
Aug 13 1971 Tassajara |
OLD - 1971.08.05-serial.00097Serial: SR-00097 Second part of talk from this date. Balance, American, Death, Faith, Truth |
Aug 05 1971 |
OLD - 1971.08.04-serial.00120Serial: SR-00120 Second part of talk from this date. Breath, Faith, Discrimination, Culture, Monks, American, reality, Death, Truth... |
Aug 04 1971 |
Because Of Our Many Desires, We Do Not Have FreedomFreedom, Desire, Changsha, Suffering, Dana, Death, Lay, Offering, Bell, Truth... |
Aug 03 1971 Tassajara |
OLD - 1971.08.03-serial.00185Serial: SR-00185 Second part of talk from this date. Dragons, Breath, Freedom, Death |
Aug 03 1971 |
OLD - 1971.07.30-serial.00188Serial: SR-00188 Second part of talk from this date. Monastic Practice, Monks, Death, Truth |
Jul 30 1971 |
To Attain The Perfection Of Human PracticeCeremony, First Principle, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Building, Breath, Evil, Doubt,... |
Jul 30 1971 Tassajara |
Ryaku Fusatsu LectureSerial: SR-00182 The audio of this tape has been improved, so the missing parts of the transcript may be worked out now. Ceremony, Eiheiji, Bodhisattva Precepts, Evil, Bell, Balance, heart, Death, Truth... |
Jul 29 1971 Tassajara |
OLD - 1971.07.24-serial.00180Serial: SR-00180 Second part of talk from this date. Dragons, confusion, Death |
Jul 24 1971 |
Calmness of MindSerial: SR-00151 Sesshin Lecture No. 2 Practice is to expose yourself as you are, express yourself fully. Accepting your teacher's words.... Sesshin, Zazen, Breath, Community, Emptiness, Priest, Pain, Community, heart, Hate,... |
Jun 07 1971 City Center |
Wherever You Go, You Will See YourselfSerial: SR-00271 Sesshin Lecture No. 3 Sesshin, Tozan, Sandokai, zen, Discrimination, Precepts, reality, Freedom, Death... |
Feb 07 1971 City Center |
When Someone Receives TransmissionSerial: SR-00071 Tuesday, August 25, 1970 Transmission, Priest, Buddha Nature, Culture, Forms, American, Death, Truth |
Aug 25 1970 City Center |
OLD - 1970.08.13-serial.00164 Priest, Death |
Aug 13 1970 |
OLD - 1970.08.07-serial.00168 Buddha Nature, American, Breath, Evil, heart, Building, Death |
Aug 07 1970 |
Ekō Lecture 3Serial: SR-00228 The Second Morning Eko, Part 2 of 3 [This is the third in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted... Eko, Chanting, Concentration, Karma, Attachment, Mindfulness, Hindrances, Pain, Death... |
Jul 11 1970 Tassajara |
Do Not Pass Your Days and Nights in VainSerial: SR-00221 Sandokai Lecture XIII: “Don't Spend Your Time in Vain” [This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, difficulty, sitting, zen,... |
Jul 06 1970 Tassajara |
Suffering Is A Valuable ThingSerial: SR-00218 Sandokai Lecture XI [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 33 Bammotsu onozukara... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, difficulty, Community, Emptiness, Pain,... |
Jun 27 1970 Tassajara |
Zen Center and City PracticeSerial: SR-00045 Sunday, May 10, 1970 Building, Intention, Meditation, War, Observe, Death, difficulty |
May 10 1970 City Center |
On BreathingSerial: SR-00139 Sesshin Lecture, No. 1, Saturday Evening, May 2, 1970 Sesshin, Posture, Pain, sitting, Sangha, Enemies, Death |
May 02 1970 City Center |
“An Unsurpassed, Penetrating Buddha” Emptiness, Subject-and-Object, Interdependence, Observe, Community, Hate, Forms,... |
Feb 08 1970 |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-7Serial: SR-00042 Third Lotus Sutra Series Lotus Sutra, Emptiness, Passions, Lotus Sutra, Concentration, Evil, Sutra, Mahayana,... |
Nov 07 1969 Series 3, Talk 7 Tassajara |
Shosan CeremonySerial: SR-00213 Tassajara [Beginning of ceremony not recorded.] Sesshin, Shosan, Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Breath, Death, Intuition, Lay, Bell,... |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
OLD - 1969.08.12-serial.00127Serial: SR-00127 Second part of talk from this date. Tape glitches. Duality, Intention, Pain, Death |
Aug 12 1969 |
Some QuestionsQuestion-and-Answer, Precepts, Doubt, Continuous Practice, Concentration, Birth-and-... |
Aug 12 1969 |
Practice Should Be The Practice Of “Right Now.”Serial: SR-00024 Thursday, July 3, 1969 Heart Sutra, Emptiness, Forms, Faith, reality, training, Enemies, War, Death... |
Jul 03 1969 Tassajara |
1969.06.29-serial.00021Serial: SR-00021 Duplicate of talk from this date. Emptiness, Forms, Balance, reality, Continuous Practice, Wisdom, Death, sitting... |
Jun 29 1969 |
OLD - Direct Experience of RealityDogen, Sutra, Death, sitting |
Jun 22 1969 Sokoji |
Nansen's “Everyday Mind Is Dao” Truth, Birth-and-Death, Wisdom, zen, Pain, Death, difficulty, Composure, Sutra... |
Mar 10 1969 |
OLD - Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-1Serial: 68-10-20 [Second Lotus Sutra series in 1968] Lotus Sutra, Sutra, Emotions, Death, Vow, Karma, Religion, Enemies, Priest, Wisdom... |
Oct 20 1968 Series 2, Talk 1 Tassajara |
OLD - To Have Complete Understanding of our School Anger, Death, Faith, Balance, reality, Monks, Forms, Community, Meditation, confusion... |
Jul 24 1968 Tassajara |
OLD - What is Soto and what is Rinzai? Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Family Practice, Mahayana, Bowing, Death, Diversity,... |
Jul 21 1968 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-6Serial: SR-00106 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, Truth, Karma, Monks, Sutra, Suffering... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 6 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-4Serial: SR-00113 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, Monks, sitting, Addiction, Demons, Silence, Dragons, Meditation, Evil,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 4 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-3Serial: SR-00117 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Dana, Perfect Wisdom, Intention, Monks, Sutra, Precepts,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 3 Tassajara |
OLD - Everything Itself Is BuddhaSerial: 67-12-06-B Evening Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Buddha Nature, American, Observe, Beginners, Hate, Forms, Building, Death,... |
Dec 06 1967 B Tassajara |
OLD - What Is Bodhisattva?Serial: 67-09-12 Tuesday, September 12, 1967 Problem set Death, Constancy, American, Anger, Mahayana, Precepts, Observe |
Sep 12 1967 |
OLD - Genjo Koan No. 4Serial: SR-00195 Thursday, August 24, 1967 Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Faith, Nirvana, Lay, Emptiness, Suffering, Pain, Death... |
Aug 24 1967 A Tassajara |
OLD - Mind Itself Is BuddhaSerial: SR-00087 Friday, August 19, 1966 --------------------------- Explanation of fascicle Shobogenzo Sokushin Ze... Sesshin, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Blue Cliff Record, Silence, Instruction, Anger,... |
Aug 19 1966 C Sokoji |
OLD - ShōbōgenzōSerial: SR-00092 Friday, August 19, 1966 Translation and discussion of fascicle Shobogenzo Sokushin Ze Butsu... Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Subject-and-Object, War, Faith, Lay,... |
Aug 19 1966 A Sokoji |
OLD - Untitled Death |
Jan 22 1966 |
OLD - If You Have A QuestionSerial: 65-07-30-C Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Question-and-Answer, Buddha Nature, Death, Religion, Peace, Consciousness,... |
Jul 30 1965 C Sokoji |