Suzuki Roshi Talks

Shunryu Suzuki (鈴木 俊隆 Suzuki Shunryū, dharma name Shōgaku Shunryū 祥岳俊隆, often called Suzuki Roshi; May 18, 1904 – December 4, 1971) was a Sōtō Zen monk and teacher who helped popularize Zen Buddhism in the United States, and is renowned for founding the first Zen Buddhist monastery outside Asia (Tassajara Zen Mountain Center). Suzuki founded San Francisco Zen Center which, along with its affiliate temples, comprises one of the most influential Zen organizations in the United States. A book of his teachings, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, is one of the most popular books on Zen and Buddhism in the West.

From Shunryū Suzuki on Wikipedia

Showing 6 talks

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Funeral Service for Suzuki Roshi

Serial: SR-00171

This is a full recording of Suzuki Roshi's funeral, held nine days after his death.

Ceremony, Funeral, Suzuki Roshi, Soto Zen, zen, Ceremony, Vow, Discrimination...
Dec 12 1971
City Center

Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting Class

Serial: SR-00259

Practice and enlightnment as forgetting and letting go of everything. Even if we don't know what real practice is, continuing and allowing it to reveal itself. Answering...

Buddha, Emptiness, Zazen, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness, Building, Suzuki Roshi,...
Mar 01 1970

On Zen Center History, Personal History, and Nona Ransom

Serial: SF-05610

Interview of Suzuki Roshi by Peter Schneider

Interview, Transmission, Priest, Hate, Suzuki Roshi, training, Enemies, Passions,...
Sep 16 1969
1 of 2

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-9

Serial: SF-06041

Audio Problem Set has been replaced by original recording, with speed adjustments made.
Newly processed version should be a little clearer to trancsribe

Lotus Sutra, Lotus Sutra, Suzuki Roshi, Demons
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 9

KPFA Radio Interview with Elsa Knight Thompson

Serial: SF-05115

Monday, November 6, 1967

[Originally misdated - Friday, February 18, 1966]
Lecture B
KPFA/KPFB Studio,...

Interview, Don't Know Mind, Nirvana, Monastic Practice, Evil, Samsara, Practice...
Nov 06 1967
KPFA Berkeley

This is the Fourth Day of our Sesshin

Serial: SF-05097C

Reconstruction of Lecture from Second Zazen Period (Before Morning Service)
Thursday Morning, August 18, 1966, Lecture A
Sokoji, San Francisco

[This tape is...

Sesshin, Suzuki Roshi
Aug 18 1966