sitting Talks

Showing 33 talks

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Title Speaker

Virtue of Mountain and River

Dogen, Shobogenzo, First Principle, Soto Zen, Rinzai, Faith, Breath, sitting, Pain,...
Jul 24 1971

Something Which You Cannot Understand

Buddha Nature, sitting, reality, Truth, Happiness, Breath, lecture
Jul 21 1971

Real Precepts Are Beyond Words

Precepts, Precepts, reality, Observe, Freedom, sitting, Emptiness, Sangha, Duality,...
Jul 02 1971
City Center

The Teaching Just for You

Serial: SR-00147

Sesshin Lecture No. 1
Saturday, June 5, 1971
San Francisco

Sesshin, Precepts, Dragons, Bodhidharma, Truth, sitting, Buddha Nature, Politics,...
Jun 05 1971
City Center

Why We Have So Many Problems

Serial: SR-00153

Tuesday, March 2, 1971
8 am Tuesday Morning
San Francisco

difficulty, Ceremony, Concentration, reality, Addiction, sitting, Ego, confusion,...
Mar 02 1971
City Center

Resuming Big Mind

Serial: SR-00272

Sesshin Lecture No. 1
Friday, February 5, 1971
San Francisco

[”For this seven-day sesshin, there are only transcriptions for lectures given on Days 1, 3, 5,...

Sesshin, Big Mind, Hate, stubbornness, Zoom, sitting, Zazen, Anger, Ceremony, heart,...
Feb 05 1971
City Center

What Is Self?

Ceremony, Observe, sitting
Jan 03 1971
City Center

Japan Now: Zazen As Our Foundation

Serial: SR-00072

Lecture after Trip to Japan:
Sunday, December 13, 1970

Transmission, Culture, sitting, Meditation, Ceremony, American
Dec 13 1970

Ekō Lecture 1

Serial: SR-00225

The First Morning Eko
Wednesday, July 8, 1970

[This is the first in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of...

Eko, Dogen, Manjushri, Transmission, Chanting, Monks, Wisdom, Precepts, American,...
Jul 08 1970

Do Not Pass Your Days and Nights in Vain

Serial: SR-00221

Sandokai Lecture XIII: “Don't Spend Your Time in Vain”
Monday, July 6, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, difficulty, sitting, zen,...
Jul 06 1970

Within Light There Is Utter Darkness

Serial: SR-00052

Sandokai Lecture IX
Saturday, June 20, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 27 Meichu ni atatte an...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, Truth, Diversity, sitting, Duality,...
Jun 20 1970

The Blue Jay Will Come Right into Your Heart

Serial: SR-00053

Sandokai Lecture IV - Discussion of the lines: 'all the objects of the senses interact, and yet do not'. Subjective and objective, independent and interrelated aspects of...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Dependent Origination, lecture, Building, Truth, sitting...
Jun 03 1970

How To Observe Precepts

Serial: SR-00047

Sunday Morning, May 17, 1970
San Francisco

Precepts, Precepts, Chanting, Observe, Bodhidharma, Zazen, Mahayana, Posture,...
May 17 1970
City Center

On Breathing

Serial: SR-00139

Sesshin Lecture, No. 1, Saturday Evening, May 2, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Posture, Pain, sitting, Sangha, Enemies, Death
May 02 1970
City Center

Our Everyday Life Is Like A Movie

Anger, Instruction, Meditation, Posture, Observe, sitting
Mar 15 1970
City Center

Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting Class

Serial: SR-00259

Practice and enlightnment as forgetting and letting go of everything. Even if we don't know what real practice is, continuing and allowing it to reveal itself. Answering...

Buddha, Emptiness, Zazen, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness, Building, Suzuki Roshi,...
Mar 01 1970

The Background of Shikantaza

Pain, Observe, Consciousness, Posture, sitting
Feb 22 1970
City Center

Our Effort In Our Practice

Instruction, lecture, Observe, difficulty, sitting
Jan 31 1970
City Center

Fundamental Buddhist Point: To Adjust Ourselves To Our Surroundings

Serial: SR-00192

Adjusting to life at City Center. Cleaning and zazen. Do we need furniture to practice?

Dogen, Eiheiji, Zazen, Culture, Building, sitting
Dec 21 1969
City Center

Way-Seeking Mind, Part III

Serial: SR-00194

Winter Sesshin, Day 3, Lecture No. 3
Monday, December 1, 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Bodhisattva Vow, Big Mind, difficulty, Vow, heart, Monks,...
Dec 01 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-2

Serial: SR-00037

Third Lotus Sutra Series
Thursday Evening, October 23, 1969
Zen Mountain Center

[The recording starts with Suzuki reading from: Saddharma Pundarika or The...

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, Don't Know Mind, Consciousness,...
Oct 23 1969
Series 3, Talk 2

Some Questions

Question-and-Answer, Breath, Buddha Nature, Posture, sitting, Tassajara Zen Mountain...
Aug 28 1969

We Practice Zazen So That We Attain Selflessness

Suffering, Wisdom, Dragons, Don't Know Mind, Meditation, Separation, sitting,...
Aug 03 1969

Blue Cliff Records-43

Serial: SR-00032

Tozan's hot and cold.

Blue Cliff Record, Emptiness, Pain, Monks, difficulty, Forms, Hate, Commitment,...
Jul 26 1969

It Is Rather Difficult For Us To Figure Out Why We Started To Practice Zazen

Serial: SR-00023

Tuesday, July 1, 1969

American, Freedom, Priest, zen, Offering, Religion, Culture, Ceremony, difficulty,...
Jul 01 1969

Zen Embodiment: Form and Emptiness

Serial: SR-00021

Duplicate of talk from this date.

Emptiness, Forms, Balance, reality, Continuous Practice, Wisdom, Death, sitting...
Jun 29 1969

Direct Experience of Reality

Baso, Dogen, lecture, Sutra, Forms, Pain, sitting
Jun 22 1969

Shosan Ceremony

Shosan, First Principle, Emptiness, Compassion, Lotus Sutra, Patience, sitting,...
Nov 11 1968

Shikantaza, Tenryu's One Finger

Serial: SR-00236

Sesshin Lecture
Saturday, October 12, 1968
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Gutei, Yaoshan, Community, Pain, sitting, Monks, Obstacles, Instruction,...
Oct 12 1968

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-10

Serial: SR-00002

Fall 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, sitting, Ceremony, Emptiness, Priest, Funeral, Composure, heart, Monks,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 10

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-15

Serial: SR-00006

Fall, 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Conversation, Meditation, Demons, American, First...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 15

Lotus Sūtra No. I-4

Serial: SR-00113

February 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, Monks, sitting, Addiction, Demons, Silence, Dragons, Meditation, Evil,...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 4

Lotus Sūtra No. I-6

Serial: SR-00106

February 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, Truth, Karma, Monks, Sutra, Suffering...
Feb 1968
Series 1, Talk 6