Oneness Talks

Showing 15 talks

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OLD - 1971.03.09-serial.00148

Serial: SR-00148

Second part of talk from this date, continues where 00116 finishes.

Oneness, Karma, sitting, Meditation, Building, Pain, reality
Mar 09 1971

Calmness of your Mind

Serial: SR-00079

Saturday Morning, February 13, 1971
San Francisco

Sesshin, Pain, New Year, Suffering, confusion, Oneness, Beginners, Community,...
Feb 13 1971
City Center

The Willow Tree Cannot Be Broken

Serial: SR-00220

Thursday, June 25, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:

Meian ono-ono aitaishite,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, reality, War, Interdependence, Observe,...
Jun 25 1970

Without Any Idea of Attainment

Serial: SR-00061

Sandokai Lecture VIII
Wednesday, June 17, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 21 Manako wa iro,...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, reality, Oneness, Monks,...
Jun 17 1970


Serial: SR-00048

Sandokai Lecture I
Wednesday, May 27, 1970

[This is the first in a series of lectures on the Sandokai (Chin. Cantong qi or Tisan-tiung-chii), a...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Big Mind, Discrimination, Freedom, Oneness, Bell,...
May 27 1970

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 6

Sesshin, Ceremony, Freedom, Observe, Wisdom, Oneness, Beginners, training, Precepts,...
Dec 04 1969

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 5

Serial: SR-00202

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 5
Wednesday, December 3, 1969

Sesshin, Bodhisattva, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Oneness, Ceremony, Precepts, Wisdom...
Dec 03 1969

Some Questions

Lotus Sutra, Time, Ego, Wisdom, Passions, Mindfulness, Buddha Nature, Culture,...
Nov 11 1969

OLD - Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is There

Serial: SF-06103

Summer Sesshin 1969 Suzuki Roshi 1st night lecture ZMC transcribed - duplicate

Five Ranks, Buddha Nature, Composure, Oneness, Evil, Hate, Doubt
Sep 1969

OLD - Question and Answer

Serial: SR-00134

This is another version of 00083, which had been incorrectly dated. This is an incomplete version although the audio has been improved.
Set aside as duplicate.

Question-and-Answer, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Suffering, American, Separation,...
Aug 25 1969

OLD - Form and Emptiness II

Serial: SF-05228A

Protection master: made from cassette: "July 5th (1969) Roshi on form and emptiness (ZMC)" "From psychological point of view" and some discussion of Chinese medicine. Time: 60...

Emptiness, Oneness
Jul 05 1969

Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha

Serial: SR-00009

Sunday, March 9, 1969
Sokoji, San Francisco

Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like....

Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty,...
Mar 09 1969


Serial: SF-05093-J

Suzuki lecture 6pm Weds Track 2, continued on Track 3

Sesshin, Time, Freedom, Happiness, Fox, Oneness, Enemies, Offering, Evil, Lay...
Aug 17 1966

OLD - Zendo Instructions

Serial: SF-05260B

Tape #1 Summer Sesshin Wed July 28 1965; side 1: 9am instruction: SR001

Emptiness, Oneness, Discrimination
Jul 28 1965

Wisdom Seeks For Wisdom

Serial: SF-05128A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #2, by Shundo David Haye =====

Among the tapes previously known to exist in the Zen Center archives, the earliest were from a sesshin...

Precepts, Genjokoan, Instruction, Precepts, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Buddha Mind,...
Jul 22 1965
Los Altos