Liberation Talks

Showing 6 talks

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Title Speaker

Wherever I Go, I Meet Myself

Liberation, Culture, Freedom
Jan 23 1971
City Center

To Actually Practice Selflessness

Serial: SR-00125

August Sesshin Lecture
Wednesday, August 6, 1969
San Francisco

Sesshin, Pain, Fox, Precepts, Freedom, Funeral, Monks, Liberation, difficulty,...
Aug 06 1969

OLD - To Actually Practice Selflessness

Serial: SF-05873

Copy Master - Suzuki Roshi August sesshin 1969 Wednesday (side A of original tape) - duplicate

Freedom, Fox, Precepts, Funeral, Continuous Practice, Discrimination, Liberation,...
Aug 06 1969

To Have Complete Understanding of Our School

Serial: SF-05144B

SR024 Tass July 26/68 Roshi Sectarianism copied; July 21 Chino Sensei; July 24 Chino Sensei - also many handwritten notes on the content.

Since there was no talk by...

Anger, Politics, Liberation, Posture, Bell, Priest, confusion, Hate, Freedom, Doubt...
Jul 27 1968

Good and Bad Feeling

Serial: SF-05141-A

Tuesday, December 5, 1967
Afternoon Sesshin Lecture, Lecture A

Sesshin, Attachment, Discrimination, Separation, Liberation, Freedom, Doubt, Faith...
Dec 05 1967

Genjo-Koan: Paragraphs 7-9

Serial: SF-05098-A

Sunday morning lecture by Suzuki Roshi
June 19 1966 (19 added later?)

Other notes on box:
Incomplete (muddled) late on then ends.
"Other side...

Dogen, Genjokoan, Composure, Liberation, Faith
Jun 19 1966