lecture Talks

Showing 26 talks

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Title Speaker

Why We Must Have Rules

First Principle, Family Practice, Big Mind, Bell, Breath, lecture, Sutra, Observe...
Aug 17 1971

Something Which You Cannot Understand

sitting, reality, Buddha Nature, Truth, Happiness, Breath, lecture
Jul 21 1971

Manifested Three Treasures

Precepts, Precepts, Emptiness, Priest, Anger, American, Sangha, lecture, Enemies,...
Jul 06 1971
City Center

Real Precepts Are Beyond Words

Precepts, Precepts, reality, Observe, Freedom, sitting, Emptiness, Sangha, Duality,...
Jul 02 1971
City Center

Our Practice is Expression of Our True Buddha-mind

Serial: SR-00067

Sesshin Lecture, No. 4
Tuesday Evening, August 4, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Precepts, Beginner’s Mind, Precepts, Buddha Mind, Discrimination, Sutra,...
Aug 04 1970
City Center

Ekō Lecture 5

Serial: SR-00231

The Third Morning Eko
Monday, July 13, 1970

[This is the fifth in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of...

Eko, Chanting, Buddha Ancestors, Transmission, Building, Bodhidharma, Sutra,...
Jul 13 1970

We Should Not Stick to Words or Rules Too Much

Serial: SR-00222

Sandokai Lecture XII: “It Is Not Always So”
Saturday, July 4, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:


Branching Streams, Sandokai, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Lay, Peace, confusion,...
Jul 04 1970

OLD - Suffering Is a Valuable Thing

Serial: SR-00223

This is only the last part of this talk. 00218 has the beginning and most of the talk.

Sandokai Lecture XI
Saturday, June 27, 1970


Branching Streams, Sandokai, lecture
Jun 27 1970

We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big Being

Serial: SR-00055

Sandokai Lecture V: Lecture to Professor Weller's Visiting Class
Saturday, June 6, 1970

[Note. This lecture was given-- as a general introduction...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, lecture, Freedom, difficulty, Forms, Evil, Duality,...
Jun 06 1970

The Blue Jay Will Come Right into Your Heart

Serial: SR-00053

Sandokai Lecture IV - Discussion of the lines: 'all the objects of the senses interact, and yet do not'. Subjective and objective, independent and interrelated aspects of...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Dependent Origination, lecture, Building, Truth, sitting...
Jun 03 1970

Our Effort In Our Practice

Instruction, lecture, Observe, difficulty, sitting
Jan 31 1970
City Center

Caring for the Soil

Serial: SR-00199

Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism
Sunday, January 25, 1970
San Francisco

Emptiness, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, difficulty, Greed, Gratitude, lecture, Hate...
Jan 25 1970
City Center

We Practice Zazen So That We Attain Selflessness

Suffering, Wisdom, Dragons, Don't Know Mind, Meditation, Separation, sitting,...
Aug 03 1969

Blue Cliff Records-43

Serial: SR-00032

Tozan's hot and cold.

Blue Cliff Record, Emptiness, Pain, Monks, difficulty, Forms, Hate, Commitment,...
Jul 26 1969

Rinzai Zen and Soto Zen

Serial: SR-00033

July 1969
San Francisco


Dogen, Buddha Nature, Evil, Freedom, Priest, Ego, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,...
Jul 1969

Direct Experience of Reality

Baso, Dogen, lecture, Sutra, Forms, Pain, sitting
Jun 22 1969

Zen Is Not Something To Talk About, And Also It Is Something To Talk About

Serial: SR-00015

Shunryu Suzuki (with Ryogen Yoshimura)
Afternoon Sesshin Lecture
Sunday, April 19, 1969

Audio includes Yoshimura at beginning.

Sesshin, Suffering, lecture, Monks, Don't Know Mind, Priest, Community, Posture...
Apr 19 1969

The Only Desire That Is Complete Is Buddha's Desire

Buddha Nature, Freedom, difficulty, Wisdom, War, Culture, Posture, lecture, Precepts...
Apr 08 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-4

Serial: SR-00141

Fall 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, Mahayana, Vow, Attachment, Intention, Dragons, Continuous Practice,...
Oct 1968

OLD - Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-4

Serial: 68-10-00-C

Fall 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Vow, Mahayana, Truth, Attachment, Intention, Continuous Practice, Evil, lecture,...
Oct 01 1968
Series 2, Talk 4

OLD - The More... We Study Our Way, The More Difficult It Is To Explain It

Serial: 67-12-04

Evening Sesshin Lecture, Lecture B
Monday, December 4, 1967

Sesshin, reality, Observe, Faith, Ceremony, lecture
Dec 04 1967

OLD - Shobogenzo Sokushin Ze Butsu

Serial: SR-00096


Attachment, Duality, Karma, lecture, Enemies, Freedom
Aug 19 1966

OLD - Don't Be Attached To Your Attainment

Serial: 66-08-19-B

Sesshin Lecture: Friday Morning during Zazen, Lecture B
Sokoji Temple, San Francisco

Sesshin, Zazen, Attachment, lecture
Aug 19 1966

OLD - Untitled

Serial: 65-07-31

Saturday, July 31, 1965

Transcript in Progress – Problem Audio – Partial
Thorsten Baer got this far. He is German and not sure about capitalization so did not use...

Question-and-Answer, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, zen, reality, Balance, Happiness,...
Jul 31 1965

OLD - Questions

Serial: 65-07-29-B

Sesshin Lecture, Lecture B
Thursday, July 29, 1965, 1 PM
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Question-and-Answer, Buddha Nature, Emotions, Demons, Anger, Culture,...
Jul 29 1965

OLD - Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is There

Serial: SR-00143

Sesshin: First Night Lecture, “I Don't Know Zazen”
September 1969

Knowing that we have buddha nature even while we are in the...

Buddha Nature, lecture, Hate, zen, Pain, reality