Lay Talks

Showing 17 talks

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Title Speaker

Because Of Our Many Desires, We Do Not Have Freedom

Freedom, Desire, Changsha, Suffering, Dana, Death, Lay, Offering, Bell, Truth...
Aug 03 1971


Ceremony, First Principle, Faith, Non-duality, Diversity, Lay
Jul 22 1971

Sewing Sesshin

Serial: SR-00122

Sunday, June 20, 1971
Sesshin Lecture No. ____
San Francisco

Sesshin, Okesa, Dogen, Attachment, New Year, Freedom, Bodhidharma, Lay, Concentration...
Jun 20 1971
City Center

Observation of Precepts and Practice of Zazen is Same Thing

Serial: SF-06049

Sesshin Lecture No. 1
Saturday, August 1, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Precepts, Precepts, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Faith, Ceremony, Ordination, Lay,...
Aug 01 1970
City Center

We Should Not Stick to Words or Rules Too Much

Serial: SR-00222

Sandokai Lecture XII: “It Is Not Always So”
Saturday, July 4, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:


Branching Streams, Sandokai, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Lay, Peace, confusion,...
Jul 04 1970

Shosan Ceremony

Serial: SR-00213

September, 1969

[Beginning of ceremony not recorded.]

Sesshin, Shosan, Perfect Wisdom, Dragons, Breath, Death, Intuition, Lay, Bell,...
Sep 1969

How should we establish our system of practice in San Francisco

Serial: SR-00019

Tuesday Evening, June 17, 1969
San Francisco

Just sit, and follow the teacher's instruction. Story of four kinds of horse. Humans go to the moon, but don't...

Rinzai, Soto Zen, Dogen, Zazen, New Year, Concentration, Big Mind, Priest, Pain,...
Jun 17 1969

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-11

Serial: SF-05251

October 1968
New version uploaded, should help with transcript

Lotus Sutra, Lay, Emptiness, Interview, Ceremony
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 11

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-13

Serial: SR-00005

Fall 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Monks, Sutra, Dana, Silence, Lay, Transmission, Karma, Breath,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 13

Shuso Ceremony

Serial: SF-05143C

SR023 Last 2/3 side 2 Philip's discussion ceremony - copied 2 tapes [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator...

Sesshin, Shuso Ceremony, Big Mind, Bell, Bodhidharma, Gratitude, Buddha Nature,...
Apr 23 1968

OLD - Genjo Koan No. 4

Serial: SR-00195

Thursday, August 24, 1967
Zen Mountain Center Sesshin Lecture
Edited by Brian Fikes

Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Faith, Nirvana, Lay, Emptiness, Suffering, Pain, Death...
Aug 24 1967

OLD - Shōbōgenzō

Serial: SR-00092

Friday, August 19, 1966
Sesshin Lecture: Friday Morning, Lecture A
Sokoji, San Francisco

Translation and discussion of fascicle Shobogenzo Sokushin Ze Butsu...

Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Shobogenzo, Subject-and-Object, War, Faith, Lay,...
Aug 19 1966


Serial: SF-05093-J

Suzuki lecture 6pm Weds Track 2, continued on Track 3

Sesshin, Time, Freedom, Happiness, Fox, Oneness, Enemies, Offering, Evil, Lay...
Aug 17 1966

The Way-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05116-C

March sesshin, only 1pm lecture. Evening lecture goofed up during recording.
SR 007

Dogen, Forgiveness, Addiction, Greed, Interview, Attachment, Conversation, Lay...
Mar 26 1966

OLD - Stand Up by the Ground

Serial: SR-00131

Sesshin, Second Night Lecture
September, 1969

Continuous Practice, Freedom, Pain, reality, Ego, Lay, Emptiness, Hate