Diversity Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Blue Cliff Records 61 - Fuketsu's One Particle Of DustBlue Cliff Record, Breath, Constancy, Freedom, Faith, Diversity, Greed, Religion,... |
Jul 26 1971 Tassajara |
San-Pachi-NenjuCeremony, First Principle, Faith, Non-duality, Diversity, Lay |
Jul 22 1971 Tassajara |
Zazen Practice and Listen to the Right TeacherSerial: SF-05631 ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #24, by Shundo David Haye ===== In the last years of Suzuki Roshi's life, very few talks were lost from the collections... Sesshin, Dogen, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Bodhisattva Precepts, Observe, Precepts, Faith... |
Aug 03 1970 City Center |
Within Light There Is Utter DarknessSerial: SR-00052 Sandokai Lecture IX [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 27 Meichu ni atatte an... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, Truth, Diversity, sitting, Duality,... |
Jun 20 1970 Tassajara |
Practice To Be Like A StoneSerial: SF-06125 SR-70-02-28 Sesshin lecture #6 (last lecture) - followed by service #2 for Trudy Dixon Don't Know Mind, Composure, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training... |
Feb 28 1970 City Center |
New Students' QuestionsSerial: SR-00211 Tuesday, October 14, 1969 Question-and-Answer, Bodhisattva Vow, War, Buddha Nature, Addiction, Diversity, Vow,... |
Oct 14 1969 |
OLD - What is Soto and what is Rinzai? Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Family Practice, Mahayana, Bowing, Death, Diversity,... |
Jul 21 1968 Tassajara |
KPFA Radio Interview with Elsa Knight ThompsonSerial: SF-05115 Monday, November 6, 1967 KPFA RADIO INTERVIEW WITH ELSA KNIGHT THOMPSON Interview, Don't Know Mind, Nirvana, Monastic Practice, Evil, Samsara, Practice... |
Nov 06 1967 KPFA Berkeley |
IgnoranceSerial: SF-05131-A SR 014 - On this tape: lectures A and B and also first part of D. This is to be known as the A-B lecture tape or #1 ZMC (has been transcribed) Track 1 Roshi's lecture A 9... Prajna Paramita, Attachment, Freedom, training, Daily Life, Diversity, confusion,... |
Sep 08 1967 Tassajara |
Blue Cliff Records Case 45Serial: SF-05097-E Friday, August 19, 1966 Blue Cliff Record, Sesshin, Joshu, Eiheiji, Observe, Diversity, Duality |
Aug 19 1966 D Sokoji |