Composure Talks

Showing 19 talks

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Today We May Be Very Happy

Serial: SR-00057

Sandokai Lecture VI
Wednesday, June 10, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:

Shiki moto shitsuzo wo...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Happiness, Zazen, Suffering, Pain, Buddha Nature,...
Jun 10 1970

Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting Class

Serial: SR-00259

Practice and enlightnment as forgetting and letting go of everything. Even if we don't know what real practice is, continuing and allowing it to reveal itself. Answering...

Buddha, Emptiness, Zazen, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness, Building, Suzuki Roshi,...
Mar 01 1970

Practice To Be Like A Stone

Serial: SF-06125

SR-70-02-28 Sesshin lecture #6 (last lecture) - followed by service #2 for Trudy Dixon
NB - is 1970 despite the year added to the photos

Don't Know Mind, Composure, Diversity, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, training...
Feb 28 1970
City Center

Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is There

Serial: SF-05184A

Sesshin: First Night Lecture, “I Don't Know Zazen”
September 1969

Knowing that we have buddha nature even while we are in the...

Dogen, Buddha Nature, Enlightenment, Five Ranks, Buddha Nature, Composure, Emotions,...
Sep 1969

Our Practice And Our Everyday Activity

Serial: SF-05396

Saturday, August 30, 1969

Newly uploaded recording should be clearer to transcribe

Concentration, Composure, Gratitude, Fundraising, Posture, training, Faith
Aug 30 1969

Not Always So

Serial: SR-00124

August Sesshin Lecture
Thursday, August 7, 1969
San Francisco

Sesshin, Dogen, Interdependence, Freedom, Gratitude, Composure, Posture, Emptiness,...
Aug 07 1969

Blue Cliff Records-43

Serial: SR-00032

Tozan's hot and cold.

Blue Cliff Record, Emptiness, Pain, Monks, difficulty, Forms, Hate, Commitment,...
Jul 26 1969

Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind

Composure, reality, difficulty, Freedom
Mar 30 1969

Nansen's “Everyday Mind Is Dao”

Truth, Birth-and-Death, Wisdom, zen, Pain, Death, difficulty, Composure, Sutra...
Mar 10 1969

Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha

Serial: SR-00009

Sunday, March 9, 1969
Sokoji, San Francisco

Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like....

Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty,...
Mar 09 1969

True Happiness and Renewal of Practice at Year's End

Serial: SF-05970A

Newly uploaded recording of this talk.

Happiness, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Composure
Dec 21 1968

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-8

Serial: SR-00001

Fall 1968

Lotus Sutra, Precepts, Faith, Sutra, Priest, Suffering, Composure, Balance, Mahayana...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 8

Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-10

Serial: SR-00002

Fall 1968
Zen Mountain Center

Lotus Sutra, sitting, Ceremony, Emptiness, Priest, Funeral, Composure, heart, Monks,...
Oct 1968
Series 2, Talk 10

Observing the Precepts

Serial: SF-05397

This is the second talk that Suzuki Roshi gave at Esalen on consecutive nights in June 1968.

Precepts, Precepts, Teacher-and-Student, Ego, Posture, Karma, training, Composure,...
Jun 29 1968

Because I Was Not Well

Serial: SF-05143A

SR023 Track 1 Suzuki Roshi's afternoon sesshin 4-23-68 copied [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator's...

Sesshin, Koan, Ordinary Mind, everyday mind, Faith, Composure, Doubt, Religion...
Apr 23 1968

The first day of the sesshin is almost finished

Serial: SF-05093K

Monday, August 15, 1966
Sesshin: Evening Lecture, Lecture D
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Freedom, causation, Composure, Posture
Aug 15 1966

Genjo-Koan: Paragraphs 7-9

Serial: SF-05098A

Sunday morning lecture by Suzuki Roshi
June 19 1966 (19 added later?)

Other notes on box:
Incomplete (muddled) late on then ends.
"Other side"...

Dogen, Genjokoan, Composure, Liberation, Faith
Jun 19 1966

Buddhism Has Many Annual Layers Like A Big Tree

Serial: SF-05124B

One-Day Sesshin Evening Lecture
Saturday, December 11, 1965, Lecture B
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Precepts, Precepts, Three Treasures, Observe, Doubt, Composure, Priest,...
Dec 11 1965


Serial: SF-05123A

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #3, by Shundo David Haye =====

In this talk, which became the Calmness chapter of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind (p121), Suzuki Roshi...

Dogen, Zazen, Composure
Aug 26 1965
Los Altos