causation Talks

Showing 7 talks

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Twelve Links of Causation

Serial: SR-00135

Twelve Links Of Causation
Juni-innen (Jap.)
Dvada-aiga-pratatyasamutpada (San.)

English Japanese Sanskrit...

Consciousness, Suffering, causation, Discrimination, Emptiness, Fasting, Passions,...
Aug 23 1969

OLD - Twelve Links of Causation

Serial: SF-05089B

Continuation of previous lecture on 12 links of causation - Aug 23 - both sides - 3 3/4 - on cassette - Dan Gourley #5

causation, Enemies, Passions, Discrimination, Evil, Faith
Aug 23 1969

OLD - Twelve Links of Causation

Serial: SF-05089A

Continuation of previous lecture on 12 links of causation - Aug 23 - both sides - 3 3/4 - on cassette - Dan Gourley #5

causation, Discrimination, Faith, Enemies, Attachment
Aug 23 1969

Some Questions

Serial: SF-05087-A

Roshi's Lectures - 2 of them - Aug 21 Side 2 Q&A session Q1 - explain 12 links of causation, Q - war - striving for a cause - even peace is necessary though futile (on...

Question-and-Answer, causation, Current Events, Passions, Fox, Gratitude, Commitment...
Aug 21 1969

The First Teaching

Serial: SR-00158

Teaching of impermanence, everything changing; also there is selflessness, suffering and nirvana. The sufferings of birth, death, sickness and old age. Causes of suffering,...

Suffering, Ego, Impermanence, Birth-and-Death, Suffering, Wisdom, Truth, Attachment,...
Aug 02 1969

The first day of the sesshin is almost finished

Serial: SF-05093-K

Monday, August 15, 1966
Sesshin: Evening Lecture, Lecture D
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, Freedom, causation, Composure, Posture
Aug 15 1966

Think Everything Out

Serial: SF-05093-C

Monday, August 15, 1966, Lecture C
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, causation, Attachment, Hate, Intuition, Concentration, Evil, Instruction,...
Aug 15 1966