Buddha Nature Talks

In Buddhist philosophy and soteriology, Buddha-nature (Chinese: fóxìng 佛性, Japanese: busshō, Vietnamese: Phật tính, Sanskrit: buddhatā, buddha-svabhāva) is the innate potential for all sentient beings to become a Buddha or the fact that all sentient beings already have a pure Buddha-essence within themselves. "Buddha-nature" is the common English translation for several related Mahāyāna Buddhist terms, most notably tathāgatagarbha and buddhadhātu, but also sugatagarbha, and buddhagarbha. Tathāgatagarbha can mean "the womb" or "embryo" (garbha) of the "thus-gone one" (tathāgata), and can also mean "containing a tathāgata". Buddhadhātu can mean "buddha-element", "buddha-realm", or "buddha-substrate".
Buddha-nature has a wide range of (sometimes conflicting) meanings in Indian Buddhism and later in East Asian and Tibetan Buddhist literature. Broadly speaking, it refers to the belief that the luminous mind, "the natural and true state of the mind", which is pure (visuddhi) mind undefiled by afflictions, is inherently present in every sentient being, and is eternal and unchanging. It will shine forth when it is cleansed of the defilements, that is, when the nature of mind is recognized for what it is.
The Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra (2nd century CE), which was very influential in the Chinese reception of these teachings, linked the concept of tathāgatagārbha with the buddhadhātu. The term buddhadhātu originally referred to the relics of Gautama Buddha. In the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra, it came to be used in place of the concept of tathāgatagārbha, reshaping the worship of physical relics of the historical Buddha into worship of the inner Buddha as a principle of salvation.
The primordial or undefiled mind, the tathāgatagārbha, is also often equated with the Buddhist philosophical concept of emptiness (śūnyatā, a Mādhyamaka concept); with the storehouse-consciousness (ālāyavijñāna, a Yogācāra concept); and with the interpenetration of all dharmas (in East Asian traditions like Huayan). The belief in Buddha-nature is central to East Asian Buddhism, which relies on key Buddha-nature sources like the Mahāyāna Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra. In Tibetan Buddhism, the concept of Buddha-nature is equally important and often studied through the key Indian treatise on Buddha-nature, the Ratnagotravibhāga (3rd–5th century CE).
Title | Speaker | |
To Attain The Perfection Of Human PracticeCeremony, First Principle, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, Building, Breath, Evil, Doubt,... |
Jul 30 1971 Tassajara |
Something Which You Cannot UnderstandBuddha Nature, sitting, reality, Truth, Happiness, Breath, lecture |
Jul 21 1971 Tassajara |
Why Then Is It Necessary To Accept PreceptsPrecepts, Precepts, Big Mind, Buddha Nature, training, Religion, Observe, Priest,... |
Jul 17 1971 City Center |
Precepts as Original NaturePrecepts, Bodhidharma, Precepts, Concentration, Building, Posture, New Year,... |
Jun 12 1971 City Center |
The Teaching Just for YouSerial: SR-00147 Sesshin Lecture No. 1 Sesshin, Precepts, Dragons, Bodhidharma, Truth, sitting, Buddha Nature, Politics,... |
Jun 05 1971 City Center |
When Someone Receives TransmissionSerial: SR-00071 Tuesday, August 25, 1970 Transmission, Priest, Buddha Nature, Culture, Forms, American, Death, Truth |
Aug 25 1970 City Center |
Walk like an Elephant and Sitting like a FrogSerial: SR-00066 True Practice As Expression Of Buddha-Nature Sesshin, Sengai, Buddha Nature, Family Practice, War, Bodhidharma, Zazen, Monks... |
Aug 02 1970 City Center |
Observation of Precepts and Practice of Zazen is Same ThingSerial: SF-06049 Sesshin Lecture No. 1 Sesshin, Precepts, Precepts, Doubt, Buddha Nature, Faith, Ceremony, Ordination, Lay,... |
Aug 01 1970 City Center |
Ekō Lecture 6Serial: SR-00230 The Fourth Morning Eko [This is the last in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of... Eko, Chanting, Monks, Priest, Offering, Buddha Nature, Wisdom, Observe, Separation,... |
Jul 15 1970 Tassajara |
Ekō Lecture 2Serial: SR-00229 The Second Morning Eko, Part 1 of 3 [This is the second in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted... Eko, Chanting, Chanting, Anger, Buddha Nature, Mahayana, heart, Karma, Meditation,... |
Jul 10 1970 Tassajara |
Without Any Idea of AttainmentSerial: SR-00061 Sandokai Lecture VIII [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 21 Manako wa iro,... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, reality, Oneness, Monks,... |
Jun 17 1970 Tassajara |
Today We May Be Very HappySerial: SR-00057 Sandokai Lecture VI [This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai: Shiki moto shitsuzo wo... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Happiness, Zazen, Suffering, Pain, Buddha Nature,... |
Jun 10 1970 Tassajara |
Buddha Is Always HereSerial: SR-00051 Sandokai Lecture III [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 5 Reigen myoni kokettari... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Emptiness, Buddha Nature, Suffering, Truth, Compassion,... |
Jun 01 1970 Tassajara |
Money And LaborSerial: SR-00046 Sunday Morning, May 24, 1970 Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Monks, Priest, Faith |
May 24 1970 City Center |
Sincere Practice and Way-Seeking MindSerial: SR-00043 Sesshin Lecture No. 3, Sunday, May 3, 1970 Sesshin, American, Transmission, stubbornness, Buddha Nature, Hate, realization,... |
May 03 1970 City Center |
Sincere PracticeSerial: SR-00140 How To Have Sincere Practice Tatsugami, Dogen, Precepts, Monks, Intuition, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Buddha... |
Apr 28 1970 City Center |
Lecture To Prof. Lewis R. Lancaster's Visiting ClassSerial: SR-00259 Practice and enlightnment as forgetting and letting go of everything. Even if we don't know what real practice is, continuing and allowing it to reveal itself. Answering... Buddha, Emptiness, Zazen, Don't Know Mind, Emptiness, Building, Suzuki Roshi,... |
Mar 01 1970 Tassajara |
Selflessness, Being and Non-Being: The Background of ShikantazaSerial: SR-00261 Sesshin Lecture No. 1: Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Emptiness, Evil, Mahayana, Posture, Freedom, Continuous... |
Feb 23 1970 City Center |
Brown Rice is Just RightSerial: SR-00247 Morning Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Emptiness, Discrimination, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Suffering, Pain,... |
Feb 01 1970 City Center |
Caring for the SoilSerial: SR-00199 Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism Emptiness, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, difficulty, Greed, Gratitude, lecture, Hate... |
Jan 25 1970 City Center |
Some QuestionsLotus Sutra, Time, Ego, Wisdom, Passions, Mindfulness, Buddha Nature, Culture,... |
Nov 11 1969 |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. III-4Serial: SR-00038 [Third Lotus Sutra Series] Lotus Sutra, First Principle, Wisdom, Buddha Nature, Sutra, Priest, Mahayana,... |
Oct 25 1969 Series 3, Talk 4 Tassajara |
New Students' QuestionsSerial: SR-00211 Tuesday, October 14, 1969 Question-and-Answer, Bodhisattva Vow, War, Buddha Nature, Addiction, Diversity, Vow,... |
Oct 14 1969 |
Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is ThereSerial: SF-05184A Sesshin: First Night Lecture, “I Don't Know Zazen” Knowing that we have buddha nature even while we are in the... Dogen, Buddha Nature, Enlightenment, Five Ranks, Buddha Nature, Composure, Emotions,... |
Sep 1969 Tassajara |
Some QuestionsQuestion-and-Answer, Breath, Buddha Nature, Posture, sitting, Tassajara Zen Mountain... |
Aug 28 1969 Tassajara |
Question and AnswerQuestion-and-Answer, Buddha Nature, Suffering, Separation, Pain, American, Anger,... |
Aug 25 1969 Tassajara |
I have nothing in my mind Emptiness, Forms, Zazen, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Passions, Interview, Beginners,... |
Jul 15 1969 Sokoji |
Rinzai Zen and Soto ZenSerial: SR-00033 July 1969 Morning. Dogen, Buddha Nature, Evil, Freedom, Priest, Ego, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center,... |
Jul 1969 Sokoji |
Jumping Off the 100-Foot PoleSerial: SR-00016 Sunday Lecture Buddha Nature, Evil, Priest, Big Mind, Compassion, Continuous Practice, reality... |
Apr 20 1969 |
The Only Desire That Is Complete Is Buddha's Desire Buddha Nature, Freedom, difficulty, Wisdom, War, Culture, Posture, lecture, Precepts... |
Apr 08 1969 |
Find Out for YourselfSerial: SR-00011 Find out what "buddha-nature" and "enlightenment" mean. Study without purpose. How his teacher in Japan treated him; trying to discover the right thing to do. Sesshin, Zazen, Eiheiji, Suffering, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Beginners, Posture, zen,... |
Mar 15 1969 Sokoji |
Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced BuddhaSerial: SR-00009 Sunday, March 9, 1969 Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like.... Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty,... |
Mar 09 1969 Sokoji |
True Happiness and Renewal of Practice at Year's EndSerial: SF-05970A Newly uploaded recording of this talk. Happiness, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Buddha Nature, Composure |
Dec 21 1968 Sokoji |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-5Serial: SR-00100 Fall, 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Discrimination, Perfect Wisdom, Monks, Mahayana, Buddha Nature,... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 5 Tassajara |
What is Soto and what is Rinzai?Serial: SF-05144A SR024 Tass July 26/68 Roshi Sectarianism copied; July 21 Chino Sensei; July 24 Chino Sensei - also many handwritten notes on the content Soto Zen, Rinzai, Buddha Nature, Bodhidharma, Evil, Bowing, Mahayana, Gratitude, Ego... |
Jul 26 1968 Tassajara |
Shuso CeremonySerial: SF-05143C SR023 Last 2/3 side 2 Philip's discussion ceremony - copied 2 tapes [there are also photographs of hand-written notes on missing portions of Q&A - per tape operator... Sesshin, Shuso Ceremony, Big Mind, Bell, Bodhidharma, Gratitude, Buddha Nature,... |
Apr 23 1968 C Tassajara |
Everything Itself Is BuddhaSerial: SF-05140A SR20 - Reel #5 Suzuki track 1 - Roshi's lecture sesshin #7 12/6/67 Afternoon - copied (This audio is only the first part of the talk) Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Buddha Nature, Observe, Hate, Faith |
Dec 06 1967 B Tassajara |
Inner Power of PracticeSerial: SF-05137A SR017 - Track 1 - slow - Roshi Lecture - 12/2/67 - afternoon - copied Sesshin, Blue Cliff Record, Concentration, Precepts, Monastic Practice, New Year,... |
Dec 02 1967 Tassajara |
True PracticeSerial: SF-05133B Evening Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Zuigan, Fox, Gratitude, Fox, Buddha Nature, Addiction, Discrimination,... |
Dec 01 1967 B Tassajara |
Zen Is Also BuddhismSerial: SF-05130C SR013 date? Fall 1967 Tassajara III - Side 1 + 1/2 side 2 Suzuki lecture copied Mahayana, New Year, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Concentration, Balance, Freedom,... |
Sep 1967 Tassajara |
The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking MindSerial: SF-05121B Original recording Sesshin, Dogen, training, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Instruction, Doubt |
Dec 17 1966 B Sokoji |
ShobogenzoSerial: SF-05097D Sesshin Lecture 1966 Tape #2 Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, Subject-and-Object, Attachment, Buddha Nature,... |
Aug 18 1966 C Sokoji |
Ten PreceptsSerial: SF-05098B Sunday morning lecture by Suzuki Roshi Other notes on box: Precepts, Precepts, Freedom, Faith, Buddha Nature, Priest |
Jun 19 1966 C Sokoji |
Genjō Kōan, 1–3Serial: SF-05095C Sesshin Lecture: Genjo-Koan, Paragraphs 1–3 Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Duality, Faith, Buddha Nature, Attachment, Discrimination... |
Mar 13 1966 A Sokoji |
Where There is Some Limitation, There is UniversalitySerial: SF-05114B ===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #9, by Shundo David Haye ===== This talk is found on the same reel as the one previously discussed (https://suzukiroshi.engagewisdom.... Sesshin, Dogen, Buddha Nature, Faith, Evil, confusion, Freedom, Doubt |
Feb 18 1966 Sokoji |
Saturday Evening LectureSerial: SF-05117A Tape VIII (?) Side 1 Sat eve lecture (1 - 60); Side 2 Sat eve lecture (1-15?) Question-and-Answer, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Balance, Bell, Evil, Hate... |
Jul 31 1965 Sokoji |
Don't Be Bothered By Your Mind / Science of Philosophy is Like a DissectionSerial: SF-05104C Tape 5 Summer sesshin 1965 Thursday July 29th Side 2: 5:45 meditation, 9:00 AM lecture [Case replaced 12/95. Original notes were transcribed verbatim - WKR] Sesshin, Peace, Buddha Nature, Current Events, Bodhidharma, Passions, Instruction,... |
Jul 30 1965 A-B Sokoji |
Do You Have Some Questions?Serial: SF-05107A Tape 7 Summer 1965 Sesshin: Side 1 Friday evening lecture (transcribed) [Case replaced 12/95. Original notes were transcribed verbatim - WKR] Sesshin, Question-and-Answer, Transmission, training, Emotions, Buddha Nature,... |
Jul 30 1965 D Sokoji |
If You Have A QuestionSerial: SF-05105B Tape 6 Friday July 30 Side 1: 1pm lecture (continued on side 2) - transcribed Sesshin, Question-and-Answer, Buddha Nature, Religion, Peace, Obstacles, confusion,... |
Jul 30 1965 C Sokoji |
The Purpose of Practice is to Have a Direct Experience of BuddhaSerial: SF-05103B Tape 4 Summer Sesshin 1965: Thursday July 29 9am lecture - transcribed Sesshin, Buddha Nature, Evil, Precepts, Ego, Instruction |
Jul 29 1965 A Sokoji |