Monks Talks
Title | Speaker | |
Talking To His Disciples About His IllnessSerial: SR-00186 Sunday, October 9, 1971 Cancer, Teacher-and-Student, Monks |
Oct 09 1971 City Center |
Universal Practice for Laymen and MonksSerial: SR-00175 Whatever you do is practice; be careful not to practice for the sake of the self. Zazen as a way to find realization and get used to realization. Whether priest or layperson,... Practice, Zazen, Bodhisattva, Dogen, Sixth Patriarch, Buddha Mind, Faith, Truth,... |
Jul 25 1971 Tassajara |
Be Kind with YourselfSerial: SR-00112 Warm-hearted practice. Breathing and posture in zazen. We all have different circumstances, but in the monastery, we have one practice. Rules give freedom to practice. ...Dogen, Zazen, Tatsugami, Freedom, Instruction, Monks, Posture, Priest, American... |
Feb 23 1971 Tassajara |
Walk like an Elephant and Sitting like a FrogSerial: SR-00066 True Practice As Expression Of Buddha-Nature Sesshin, Sengai, Buddha Nature, Family Practice, War, Bodhidharma, Zazen, Monks... |
Aug 02 1970 City Center |
Ekō Lecture 6Serial: SR-00230 The Fourth Morning Eko [This is the last in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of... Eko, Chanting, Monks, Priest, Offering, Buddha Nature, Wisdom, Observe, Separation,... |
Jul 15 1970 Tassajara |
Ekō Lecture 1Serial: SR-00225 The First Morning Eko [This is the first in a series of six lectures by Suzuki on the four ekos chanted at the conclusion of... Eko, Dogen, Manjushri, Transmission, Chanting, Monks, Wisdom, Precepts, American,... |
Jul 08 1970 Tassajara |
Without Any Idea of AttainmentSerial: SR-00061 Sandokai Lecture VIII [The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture: Line 21 Manako wa iro,... Branching Streams, Sandokai, Precepts, Subject-and-Object, reality, Oneness, Monks,... |
Jun 17 1970 Tassajara |
Money And LaborSerial: SR-00046 Sunday Morning, May 24, 1970 Buddha Nature, Discrimination, Monks, Priest, Faith |
May 24 1970 City Center |
Sincere PracticeSerial: SR-00140 How To Have Sincere Practice Tatsugami, Dogen, Precepts, Monks, Intuition, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Buddha... |
Apr 28 1970 City Center |
Way-Seeking Mind, Part IIISerial: SR-00194 Winter Sesshin, Day 3, Lecture No. 3 Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Bodhisattva Vow, Big Mind, difficulty, Vow, heart, Monks,... |
Dec 01 1969 Tassajara |
Opening Lecture At Page Street Zendo: American PreceptsSerial: SR-00264 Moving into the new space. Don't worry about success, practice in the present. Hyakujo's regulations, positive and negative sides of guidelines and precepts. Precepts, Shingi, Precepts, Monks, Gratitude, zen, Building |
Nov 22 1969 City Center |
Form Is Emptiness and Emptiness Is FormHeart Sutra, Emptiness, Big Mind, Forms, Don't Know Mind, Interdependence, heart... |
Nov 13 1969 |
Why I Came to AmericaSerial: SR-00157 "Why I became a priest" Memories of his father as a temple priest. Wanting to be an unusual priest himself, to teach people. Training at a temple with Oka... Priest, Meiji, Japan, Dogen, Priest, training, New Year, Ceremony, Enemies, Monks,... |
Sep 16 1969 Sokoji |
To Actually Practice SelflessnessSerial: SR-00125 August Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Pain, Fox, Precepts, Freedom, Funeral, Monks, Liberation, difficulty,... |
Aug 06 1969 Sokoji |
Blue Cliff Records-43Serial: SR-00032 Tozan's hot and cold. Blue Cliff Record, Emptiness, Pain, Monks, difficulty, Forms, Hate, Commitment,... |
Jul 26 1969 Tassajara |
Zen Is Not Something To Talk About, And Also It Is Something To Talk AboutSerial: SR-00015 Shunryu Suzuki (with Ryogen Yoshimura) Audio includes Yoshimura at beginning. Sesshin, Suffering, lecture, Monks, Don't Know Mind, Priest, Community, Posture... |
Apr 19 1969 |
untitledSerial: SR-00007 Newly reprocessed recording should be a little clearer Lotus Sutra, Monks, Breath, Building |
Dec 24 1968 Sokoji |
Shikantaza, Tenryu's One FingerSerial: SR-00236 Sesshin Lecture Sesshin, Gutei, Yaoshan, Community, Pain, sitting, Monks, Obstacles, Instruction,... |
Oct 12 1968 A Sokoji |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-10Serial: SR-00002 Fall 1968 Lotus Sutra, sitting, Ceremony, Emptiness, Priest, Funeral, Composure, heart, Monks,... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 10 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-13Serial: SR-00005 Fall 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Monks, Sutra, Dana, Silence, Lay, Transmission, Karma, Breath,... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 13 Tassajara |
Lotus Sutra, Lecture No. II-5Serial: SR-00100 Fall, 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Discrimination, Perfect Wisdom, Monks, Mahayana, Buddha Nature,... |
Oct 1968 Series 2, Talk 5 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-1Serial: SR-00110 Lotus Sutra No. 1 Lotus Sutra, Monks, Perfect Wisdom, Meditation, Wisdom, Precepts, Constancy, Demons,... |
Feb 1968 Series 2, Talk 1 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-5Serial: SR-00105 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, reality, Monks, Truth, Interview,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 5 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-6Serial: SR-00106 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, First Principle, First Principle, Truth, Karma, Monks, Sutra, Suffering... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 6 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-2Serial: SR-00111 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, Building, Wisdom, Evil, Monks, Priest, Patience, Bodhidharma, Offering,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 2 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-4Serial: SR-00113 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, Monks, sitting, Addiction, Demons, Silence, Dragons, Meditation, Evil,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 4 Tassajara |
Lotus Sūtra No. I-3Serial: SR-00117 February 1968 Lotus Sutra, Wisdom, Dana, Perfect Wisdom, Intention, Monks, Sutra, Precepts,... |
Feb 1968 Series 1, Talk 3 Tassajara |