difficulty Talks

Showing 29 talks

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Title Speaker

Calmness of Mind

Serial: SR-00151

Sesshin Lecture No. 2
Sunday, June 7, 1971
San Francisco

Practice is to expose yourself as you are, express yourself fully. Accepting your teacher's words....

Sesshin, Zazen, Breath, Community, Emptiness, Priest, Pain, Community, heart, Hate,...
Jun 07 1971
City Center

Changing Our Karma

Baso, Concentration, Karma, Suffering, difficulty, Ceremony
Mar 09 1971
City Center

Why We Have So Many Problems

Serial: SR-00153

Tuesday, March 2, 1971
8 am Tuesday Morning
San Francisco

difficulty, Ceremony, Concentration, reality, Addiction, sitting, Ego, confusion,...
Mar 02 1971
City Center

The Driver

Anger, difficulty, Karma, Freedom, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, Peace, confusion,...
Feb 27 1971
City Center

Mudra Practice and How to Accept Instructions from Various Teachers

Tatsugami, Yoshida, Beginners, Posture, Instruction, difficulty
Jul 26 1970
City Center

Do Not Pass Your Days and Nights in Vain

Serial: SR-00221

Sandokai Lecture XIII: “Don't Spend Your Time in Vain”
Monday, July 6, 1970

[This lecture is concerned with the following lines of the Sandokai:...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Sixth Patriarch, Dogen, difficulty, sitting, zen,...
Jul 06 1970

Suffering Is A Valuable Thing

Serial: SR-00218

Sandokai Lecture XI
Saturday, June 27, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 33 Bammotsu onozukara...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Suffering, difficulty, Community, Emptiness, Pain,...
Jun 27 1970

We Are Just a Tiny Speck of Big Being

Serial: SR-00055

Sandokai Lecture V: Lecture to Professor Weller's Visiting Class
Saturday, June 6, 1970

[Note. This lecture was given-- as a general introduction...

Branching Streams, Sandokai, lecture, Freedom, difficulty, Forms, Evil, Duality,...
Jun 06 1970

Warm Hand to Warm Hand

Serial: SR-00049

Sandokai Lecture II
Sunday, May 30, 1970

[The following lines of the Sandokai are discussed in this lecture:

Line 2 tozai mitsuni aifusu....

Branching Streams, Sandokai, Truth, Transmission, reality, New Year, difficulty,...
May 30 1970

Zen Center and City Practice

Serial: SR-00045

Sunday, May 10, 1970
City Center, San Francisco

Building, Intention, Meditation, War, Observe, Death, difficulty
May 10 1970
City Center

We Try To Control Or Restrict Our Activity

Serial: SR-00044

Tuesday Evening, May 5, 1970
City Center, San Francisco

Culture, Posture, Evil, difficulty, Attachment, zen, Pain, American, reality, Freedom...
May 05 1970
City Center

Non-Dualistic Practice

Serial: SR-00260

Sesshin Lecture No. 3:
Wednesday, February 25, 1970
San Francisco

Sesshin, Big Mind, difficulty, zen, Duality, Karma, Anger, Mahayana, training,...
Feb 25 1970
City Center

“An Unsurpassed, Penetrating Buddha”

Emptiness, Subject-and-Object, Interdependence, Observe, Community, Hate, Forms,...
Feb 08 1970

Brown Rice is Just Right

Serial: SR-00247

Morning Sesshin Lecture
Sunday, February 1, 1970
City Center

Sesshin, Emptiness, Discrimination, Buddha Nature, training, Hate, Suffering, Pain,...
Feb 01 1970
City Center

Our Effort In Our Practice

Instruction, lecture, Observe, difficulty, sitting
Jan 31 1970
City Center

Caring for the Soil

Serial: SR-00199

Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism
Sunday, January 25, 1970
San Francisco

Emptiness, Mahayana, Buddha Nature, difficulty, Greed, Gratitude, lecture, Hate...
Jan 25 1970
City Center

Respect for Things

Serial: SR-00200

What Is Our Practice?
Sunday, January 4, 1970
San Francisco

Practice as taking care of everything. Not making a noise with the chairs. Practice with new...

Zendo, Bodhisattva Way, Big Mind, Building, Concentration, difficulty, Sutra, Bowing...
Jan 04 1970
City Center

Practice Should Not Be Perfect, So Descendants Have Something To Do

Serial: SR-00203

Winter Sesshin Lecture No. 4
Tuesday, December 2, 1969

Sesshin, Dogen, Building, difficulty, Monastic Practice, Transmission, Zazen, Breath...
Dec 02 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Part III

Serial: SR-00194

Winter Sesshin, Day 3, Lecture No. 3
Monday, December 1, 1969

Way-Seeking Mind, Sesshin, Bodhisattva Vow, Big Mind, difficulty, Vow, heart, Monks,...
Dec 01 1969

Sesshin, Sixth Night Lecture

Serial: SR-00129

September, 1969

Sesshin, Don't Know Mind, Posture, Ceremony, Addiction, Duality, Beginners,...
Sep 1969

Sesshin, Third Night Lecture

Serial: SR-00130

September, 1969

Sesshin, Emptiness, reality, Passions, Intuition, Bell, Forms, American, difficulty...
Sep 1969

To Actually Practice Selflessness

Serial: SR-00125

August Sesshin Lecture
Wednesday, August 6, 1969
San Francisco

Sesshin, Pain, Fox, Precepts, Freedom, Funeral, Monks, Liberation, difficulty,...
Aug 06 1969

Blue Cliff Records-43

Serial: SR-00032

Tozan's hot and cold.

Blue Cliff Record, Emptiness, Pain, Monks, difficulty, Forms, Hate, Commitment,...
Jul 26 1969

It Is Rather Difficult For Us To Figure Out Why We Started To Practice Zazen

Serial: SR-00023

Tuesday, July 1, 1969

American, Freedom, Priest, zen, Offering, Religion, Culture, Ceremony, difficulty,...
Jul 01 1969

The Only Desire That Is Complete Is Buddha's Desire

Buddha Nature, Freedom, difficulty, Wisdom, War, Culture, Posture, lecture, Precepts...
Apr 08 1969

Ordinary Mind, Buddha Mind

Composure, reality, difficulty, Freedom
Mar 30 1969

Find Out for Yourself

Serial: SR-00011

Find out what "buddha-nature" and "enlightenment" mean. Study without purpose. How his teacher in Japan treated him; trying to discover the right thing to do.

Sesshin, Zazen, Eiheiji, Suffering, Buddha Nature, Freedom, Beginners, Posture, zen,...
Mar 15 1969

Nansen's “Everyday Mind Is Dao”

Truth, Birth-and-Death, Wisdom, zen, Pain, Death, difficulty, Composure, Sutra...
Mar 10 1969

Sun-Faced Buddha, Moon-Faced Buddha

Serial: SR-00009

Sunday, March 9, 1969
Sokoji, San Francisco

Koan story of sun-faced buddha, moon-faced buddha. Practicing while well or while sick. Accepting what we don't like....

Baso, Koan, Blue Cliff Record, Attachment, Composure, Discrimination, difficulty,...
Mar 09 1969