Talk on Shobogenzo

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Other Japanese lecture [case replaced 12/95. Case notes transcribed verbatim]

AI Summary: 

This talk analyzes a chapter from the "Shobogenzo," focusing on the teachings about harmonious living within a Zen Monastery. The speaker emphasizes the notion that all members should coexist as seamlessly as milk and water, fostering a way-seeking mind and understanding their temporary roles as master and guest. It highlights the ultimate goal of embodying the essence of Buddhas and Patriarchs through collaborative practice, suggesting that the teachings of Buddhism surpass even parental love in significance.

  • Shobogenzo: This work by Dogen discusses Zen Buddhist principles, particularly about community life in a monastery. It serves as the basis for the discussion, examining the philosophy of unity and shared purpose among practitioners.

AI Suggested Title: Milk and Water: Zen Harmony

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AI Vision Notes: 

Side: A
Speaker: Suzuki Roshi
Possible Title: Opening Ceremonies
Additional text: Suzuki Lecture Little bit, Then other japanese lecturer

Side: B
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Not SR, on Shobogenzo - sounds like Katagiri #new-audio #please-transcribe - date may not be accurate - SDH; #please-transcribe, #approximate-date


We try to continue to study one of the chapters of Shobo Genzo. This chapter explains some rules of Zen Monastery. First, I will read some paragraphs. All persons in Zen Monastery should be accord with each other, like the combination of milk and water.


And then, we should allow the way-seeking mind. The classification of our position, master and guest, in other words, you and I. The classification of our position, you and I, is temporarily a position.


Later, we should be identical with Buddhas and Patriarchs. We can hardly meet each other and practice Buddhas' teaching. Nevertheless, we should never forget the enjoyment. The enjoyment which we can meet each other in Zen Monastery and practice Buddhas' teaching.


Such our physical body is worthy of Buddhas and Patriarchs. We will surely be Buddhas and Patriarchs. Other kindnesses which have helped you to improve your practice of Buddhas' teaching.


Buddhas' teaching is much better than your parents' love. Your parents are your father's and mother's parents in our aspect of human life. All of you in Zen Monastery are under the practicing of Buddhas' teaching.


First, he said, it is important for us, for our life in Zen Monastery, to be accord with each other, like the combination of milk and water, and arouse the way-seeking mind. Our society consists of many people, combined peoples.


But our society is not like a rice of wooden bucket. But if our society is like a rice in a wooden bucket, it may be easier to make us happiness. Nevertheless, each of you which establishes our society,


is like a wicked wolf with two horns. In our society, if we will find the best way to live, there is no better way to find the happiness. We have to find the way to live, rather than to be at the rest of peace-mind.


If each of you have some eagerness, we cannot enter into their harmonies. When you deny your eagerness, it is to make you leave and to make others leave.


So even though there exist many people in Zen Monastery to practice Buddha's teaching, each of you is like a temporary position, master and guest. The existence of all of you should be accorded with each other like a combination of milk and water.


So, this is the life of Buddha, Buddhas and Patriarchs. The physical body of which we practice Buddha's teaching is identical with Buddha's and Patriarchs' bodies. In this point, by practicing Buddhism more and more, we should be Buddhas and Patriarchs. Even though you don't know exactly about it.


In the case of practicing Buddhism in Zen Monastery, you receive various kindnesses, not only from your master, but from various directions, because it is impossible for you to live alone. Thank you very much.

