OLD - Purely Involved Helping Others
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Suzuki Roshi Lecture Part 1
71-06-22 | Tatsugami chanting ekos
It's natural. I'll wait, you know. He said. That makes sense, I think. But that is too passive, you know, too weak. Or we Buddhists, it is too, not lazy, but too passive. If you have, it is pretty good, you know, to wait until what I want to do is quite natural for me to do. Pretty good, you know, much better than to change it, to do it immediately. To be patient is pretty good, but, you know, there must be something, you know. To do without being, just, instead of being, just patient, you know, just wait.
Instead of waiting for the chance to do something, it's better to work on it. So moment after moment, if you work faithfully, you know, on it, your true life will start. But if you are waiting, or if you want to change your way, or if you make too much choice, take too much choice, you have no time to live on this world. You know, pretty soon you will die, you will be as old as I am now, very soon,
without changing over your way, when you are trying to change your circumstances. You think you are helping, maybe, your wife or your husband only, but actually it is not so. You may fail, you know, even though you make best effort to have good family life. You may fail, maybe, you know, we don't know. But even though you fail, you know, to help your family, you are helping actually many people around you, you know.
Oh, she is so good, she is so very good wife, you know. If you give your friends or your neighbor that kind of warm feeling, actually that is how you help people. Things happen in that way. Now I have, you know, many students, you know, so if I am helping only one student,
it looks like I cannot help the rest of the students, but I don't think so, actually. To help one student means to help the rest of the students, in its true sense. And if you only let me do so, I can do it, you know, but most likely you don't allow me to do so. So, I have to make an appointment. It is a very difficult time to arrange my appointment. That is not what I want to do, actually. Whatever you do, you know, if you do it with your warm heart, sincerely, then it means that I am helping the rest of the students.
Do you know why we have, we call our, we have the wind bear? You know, wind bear means, you know, comes from Dogen Zenji's famous poem, Wind Bear. Whichever, whatever the wind may be, you know, east wind or west wind, south or north wind, it doesn't care. It's just being all day long, and he doesn't know what he's doing. All day long he's doing something. He's busy. He's helping others, always.
Without being involved in north or south or east or west, good or bad, strong or weak, good sound or bad sound, that is actually our practice, isn't it? Anyway, when you sit, without any idea of discrimination, just sit. Then you are you and your practice includes everything. And you are helping people. With this, you know, not confidence, but with this feeling or, you know, in this way you practice, doesn't it?
And in this way you, you know, work on what you should do. So if you, you know, body, soul or mind is not strong enough, you know, you may think I'm not doing something well or good, you know, better to this or to better, instead of doing this, better to do something else. But when you, your way-seeking mind or body-subtle mind is very strong, then you do not discriminate. So two, three things with this body-subtle mind and two, three things just discriminating eyes.
There is big difference, you know. So to see things as it is, if you want to see things as it is, you must have good practice and good strong body-subtle mind. And ready to accept your surrounding as it is. In prosperity or adversity, you know, you should act, you should manage your life. Maybe as a ship, always, as a sailing boat crossing the ocean.
Whatever the wind is, you know, you have to manage your boat. So that is Sangha Zen Master. I think it was woman. To drive wave, follow waves and drive waves. Follow waves and drive waves. That he means, when he says so, we have, you know, unusual skill in managing things, driving waves.
Thank you.