OLD - 1971.08.17-serial.00099

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The last part of 71-08-17, edited together with 00177 and 00085.

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You say that without putting some kind of rule or schedule, you can't work. I'm asking you, essentially, how do you find out if you're ready to stay? Is it about rules that you put with the time? Or is it about you relying on a good feeling about something? You are still relying on rules. When I came to San Francisco, I have no rules for you to look back. I sit and practice sadhana and recite sutra when I wanted to, and people came. That's all. One last anapajalka. And as we are turning, we have so many people now, I must have more, that's all.


So, it is too soon to worry about it. Buddha will take care of everything. And if Buddhist rule is good, It will help. This is why I became angry, you know. Because I perceive someone who talk about Japanese way or Buddhist way. Actually, if you don't want Buddhist way, why don't you have some other ways?


I think Buddhist way is pretty good, because they, from, after Buddha's time, Buddha, idea of Buddha is a way of life. And the root belongs to human being, not to God. Buddha has the first principle, but human being have second principle for themselves. So, this kind of understanding is, you know, very suitable idea of Buddhism. So, I want you to be very sincere with yourself about your future, too.


We shouldn't depend on anything. Only a thing you can depend on is your daily practice. Without saying anything, if you practice Every day, then you will have to do it. You will have to do it. Then you may need some rules. But then, do you stop loving or something like that. That is enough. You don't have to worry about so many rules. which we need at our side. Okay? So, for each, I want each student to practice our guidance, wherever you are, that we can do the best help for the people.


When something happens, case by case, you should think about it properly. You will find out how to help people, especially when you have experience of practice of Tathagata. It will be a great, great help for you. When you are happy, of course. He didn't depend on Tathagata too much. All the confusion comes from that point because he depended on Tathagata too much. Buddha said,


you know, without depending on yourself. How is it possible to depend on something else? Only thing you can depend on is you, yourself. That is very true. Only when you can depend on yourself you will be very kind. Something flowing over from you will help people without trying to help people. If you depend on something special


then nothing will come out from you. People ask questions. Read. Read. Or you should read it. On this planet, after this planet, what to do? Oh, we have been here for thousands of years. That's the way we can ask. We're not having a friend. To me, you are trying to do so. Always trying to do so. Whenever you ask me a question, I feel you, but you may be. Try to establish some sense of right path. I have no idea of such... of such... I have no such idea for me to establish anything like this.


If Tathāgata practice is good enough to be a good example of other groups, maybe they may follow us. But we should not have any idea of to be a good example of others. Anyway, we should make our best effort. It cannot be more than that. If it is more than that, And that's the wrong practice. It is not Buddhist practice. Hmm. Tomorrow? Tomorrow. Tomorrow is Shoshan.


Not one person. Thank you very much.

