Hate Talks

Showing 71 talks

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Title Speaker

The Need for Training in Buddhism without Self-Seeking Mind

Serial: SF-05121B

Original recording

Sesshin, Dogen, training, Buddha Nature, Hate, Observe, Instruction, Doubt
Dec 17 1966

Think Everything Out

Serial: SF-05093-C

Monday, August 15, 1966, Lecture C
Sokoji, San Francisco

Sesshin, causation, Attachment, Hate, Intuition, Concentration, Evil, Instruction,...
Aug 15 1966

Genjo-Koan: Paragraphs 1–11

Serial: SF-05098-D

Sunday morning lecture by Suzuki Roshi
June 19 1966 (19 added later?)

Other notes on box:
Incomplete (muddled) late on then ends.
"Other side"...

Dogen, Genjokoan, Family Practice, Observe, Doubt, Discrimination, Attachment, Hate,...
Jun 19 1966

Sesshin Lecture: Genjo-Koan, Paragraphs 1–2

Serial: SF-05096-B

May Sesshin (25 26 added later) 1 or 6pm lecture plus lecture the following morning.
SR 009

Sesshin, Dogen, Genjokoan, Precepts, Mahayana, Freedom, Observe, Balance, Attachment...
May 26 1966

Real Calmness Is In A Noisy Place

Serial: SF-05116-B

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #12, by Shundo David Haye =====

This talk is another example of a track that was somehow overlooked for many years, while...

Sesshin, Shobogenzo, Beginner’s Mind, Beginners, Ego, Silence, Hate, Doubt
Mar 26 1966

Study Yourself

Serial: SF-05123B

===== Awakening the Archive - Tape #4, by Shundo David Haye =====

"I always felt his best Zen talks were the ones he gave on Thursday mornings in my home. They were...

Dogen, Genjokoan, Rinzai, Monastic Practice, Instruction, Hate, Doubt
Sep 09 1965
Los Altos

I Have Nothing In My Mind

Serial: SF-05125-B

One-Day Sesshin Lecture: 5 PM
Saturday, August 28, 1965, Lecture B
San Francisco

Sesshin, Sixth Patriarch, Baso, Big Mind, Faith, Fox, Duality, Hate
Aug 28 1965

OLD - Confucius Said The Most Visible Is Something Invisible

Serial: 65-08-28-A

One-Day Sesshin Lecture: 1 PM
Saturday, August 28, 1965
San Francisco

Sesshin, Culture, Hate, Composure, Transmission, Building, Pain, Observe, difficulty...
Aug 28 1965

Confucius Said the Most Visible is Something Invisible

Serial: SF-05125-A

SR 002 Tape 1 copy Sesshin 1pm lecture

Sesshin, Faith, Interview, Observe, confusion, Hate, Peace
Aug 28 1965

OLD - Confucius Said the Most Visible is Something Invisible

Serial: SF-05898

SR 002 Tape 1 copy Sesshin 1pm lecture - - duplicate of other versions

Faith, Transmission, Hate
Aug 28 1965

OLD - Confucius Said the Most Visible is Something Invisible

Serial: SF-05747

SR-65-08-28-A - duplicate of other versions

Hate, Observe, Transmission, Peace
Aug 28 1965

Saturday Evening Lecture

Serial: SF-05117A

Tape VIII (?) Side 1 Sat eve lecture (1 - 60); Side 2 Sat eve lecture (1-15?)

Question-and-Answer, Daily Life, Buddha Nature, Happiness, Balance, Bell, Evil, Hate...
Jul 31 1965

Don't Be Bothered By Your Mind / Science of Philosophy is Like a Dissection

Serial: SF-05104C

Tape 5 Summer sesshin 1965 Thursday July 29th Side 2: 5:45 meditation, 9:00 AM lecture [Case replaced 12/95. Original notes were transcribed verbatim - WKR]

Sesshin, Peace, Buddha Nature, Current Events, Bodhidharma, Passions, Instruction,...
Jul 30 1965

OLD - Untitled

Serial: SR-00081

June, 1968

First Principle, Bodhidharma, Balance, Community, Doubt, Hate, Precepts, Priest,...

OLD - Stand Up by the Ground

Serial: SR-00131

Sesshin, Second Night Lecture
September, 1969

Continuous Practice, Freedom, Pain, reality, Ego, Lay, Emptiness, Hate

OLD - Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is There

Serial: SR-00143

Sesshin: First Night Lecture, “I Don't Know Zazen”
September 1969

Knowing that we have buddha nature even while we are in the...

Buddha Nature, lecture, Hate, zen, Pain, reality

OLD -Zen Is Also Buddhism

Serial: SF-05834A

SR-67-09-00-A -2 (continued) (conclusion) [This tape is a continuation of SR-67-09-00-A-1]

New Year, Observe, Hate

OLD - Sesshin, Sixth Night Lecture

Serial: SF-05910

SR summer sesshin 1969 6th night lecture #4 copy master

Posture, Beginners, Duality, Enemies, Hate, Ceremony

OLD - Wherever You Are, Enlightenment Is There

Serial: SF-05912

Copy Master Suzuki Roshi 1969 summer sesshin lecture #1 - duplicate

Five Ranks, Family Practice, Composure, Buddha Nature, Hate, Doubt

OLD - Stand Up By The Ground

Serial: SF-05911

Protection Master "Suzuki Roshi summer sesshin 1969 2nd night lecture - duplicate

Continuous Practice, Freedom, New Year, Hate
